Page 15 of Simeon's Beloved

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“You will always have a home with me.”


Simeon was proud of how Hunter handled the frightful news. Master Cabot had given him a heads-up on what was to come, so he wasn't as shocked as Hunter. He couldn't imagine how horrible it must feel to have your father and brother hire a hitman to take you because you got the lion's share in the grandfather's Will. Most rational people would have tried to negotiate rather than going straight to murder as a solution.

He was glad his beloved was never going back there and, hopefully, would never lay eyes on those two bastards again. Simeon was within his rights to kill them both, but Hunter was not in the headspace to have them disappear yet. They would be given new memories and sent on their way. Master Cabot's men would see to that. In Simeon's mind, it did not seem enough for the pain and sadness they dished out over the years culminating in a murder attempt.

"You're very quiet, Simeon," Hunter commented as they walked back to Simeon's quarters. He offered to give him a tour of the grounds, but Hunter was feeling too mentally exhausted. Simeon suggested a stiff drink or two, and Hunter was completely on board.

"I worry about you, my love, and I am sorry that things turned out the way they did. Hopefully, in time, you will accept this as your home, and you will begin to build and nurture relationships with friends and colleagues. I will do everything within my power to make you happy." Simeon opened the door to his quarters, and they entered, with Simeon going straight to the liquor on the counter and pouring them both a sturdy shot.

"Here, take this. It will help you unwind." Hunter took it down in one go, as did Simeon. He then walked him over to the sofa, and they sat down with Simeon's arm around him. Hunter leaned into his side and got comfortable. He needed time to process what was understandable. "Close your eyes, baby." He told Hunter while running his fingers through his hair, soothing his beloved as best that he could.

"You make me happy, Simeon, and I know that in time I will be as comfortable here as you are. The vampire and shifter angle is a little trippy, I won't deny it, but I will get there because you are my goal and my focus. Everything else is just background." That was the sweetest thing he could have said, and it put Simeon's mind at ease, recognizing that his beloved was feeling just as connected in this relationship as he was.

"I want to claim you, Hunter." He saw no reason to wait any longer.

"I'm not sure what that entails, but I want that too. I want to be one with you, Simeon, and I trust you to make it beautiful." Hunter pulled him in for a tentative light kiss that was so tender and needy it brought out every desire in Simeon. This man was showing him sides of himself he never knew existed and giving him experiences that he thought would never be his.

Simeon stood up and took Hunter up into his arms, and headed for the bedroom. Hunter began to laugh nervously and clutch at Simeon's jacket. "I love it when you carry me. It makes me feel cherished.” Simeon stopped as they entered the room and looked down into Hunter’s face.

"You are cherished. Hunter, you are precious in my eyes, and once we bond, we will never be apart. I will always have you, and you will always have me. Nothing, and no one comes before our bonded beloved. I will follow you to the ends of the earth." Simeon made the commitment very clear. "Do you wish to bond with me? Are you ready to unite our souls as one? It is binding, and it is forever and cannot be undone. Will you join me and become the vampire's beloved?" Hunter didn't answer immediately. He stared at him with those eyes that spoke volumes with a single glance.

"Yes, there isn't anything I would not do to keep you by my side." He reached up and touched the side of Simeon's face sending those same sweet sensations dancing along his nerve endings, those sensations that are special to Hunter alone. The need to mark and claim was taking him over. "All I want is you. Nothing else matters but this, you and me. I know what I want, and I'm not afraid to say yes to forever as long as it is with you." Simeon carried him over to the bed and set him on the edge, and then kneeled before him.

"I love you, Hunter." Was all he said before deftly removing Hunter's shoes and socks and then pulling him to his feet while quickly riding him off his remaining clothes. Simeon wanted his beloved naked as soon as possible, for the need to claim was like a rage within his heart, and nothing was going to stop him from taking what was his.

He ran his hands over Hunter's chest and down his abdomen and legs, soothing and preparing him, all the while listening to the lovely, sexy sounds his beloved was making. Hunter shifted and moved to center himself on the bed and laid his head on the pillows beckoning Simeon to join him.

Simeon stripped off his suit keeping his eyes on the gorgeous body laid out waiting for him. Thinking of a lifetime together with this marvelous little man made him feel like the luckiest man alive. He gently moved up onto the bed and hovered over Hunter for a few seconds before taking him by the ankles and pushing his legs up, pressing his thighs to his chest. The delightful little laugh was all he needed to know. His beloved was pleased, and his heart lightened with the knowledge that all Hunter's laughs and smiles belonged to him. This little human owned him body and soul; who would have thought?

"I'm going to make love to you and then bite you right here." He tapped the mark he'd made the last time they made love. "I will feed from you and spill my seed inside your body, and our lives, hearts, and very souls will be bound together as one." He'd explained it before, but he wanted to make sure Hunter knew what to expect.

"Claim me, Simeon." He stated and gripped the back of his thighs, pulling them up closer to his chest and opening himself completely to his vampire lover. Simeon grabbed the tube of lube from his side table and covered his hand and cock with the slippery substance. His cock was so hard it was throbbing, but he needed to prepare his beloved first, and the wait was delicious.

Hunter squirmed and panted his need, the wait growing sharp and more intense as the seconds ticked by. Simeon thrust his fingers deep inside, stretching and loosening the tight muscles. The heat and the velvety smoothness were making his heart race and his cock pulse with the need to be inside. Unable to wait any longer, he removed his fingers and, in one fluid motion, thrust inside, encasing his aching cock in the amazing embrace of his forever lover.

Hunter squealed and then panted out his needs. "More, more, faster." He let go of his legs and wrapped them around Simeon's waist, using the leverage to thrust upward, impaling himself harder and deeper. Simeon took his lips in a heated kiss and began a punishing rhythm of thrust, pounding out his need and meeting Hunter head-to-head in the race to completion.

The room was filled with urgency and need driving frantically to the edge. Simeon felt the rage of release swamp him, and he slammed inside, going deep and exploding coming filling his beloved with his essence. He released Hunter's lips and moved to sink his teeth into the small scar on his shoulder, going deep this time and drinking his fill, binding them together.

He felt Hunter tremble and come spilling his release between them, the warmth and implication sending Simeon's vampire into a euphoria of completion. He finished and withdrew his teeth, licking the wound until it was healed, and then lay his head on Hunter's shoulder.

They stay like that in one another's arms, riding out the sensations and the physical high of the bond. It was several minutes before the speech was possible. He could feel Hunter's heart still pound out a rapid beat, and his breath still labored. Simeon reached out through their newly created bond and calmed his beloved, exercising their connection. Hunter sighed and tightened his arms around Simeon's shoulders.

"I can feel you in my mind. You're helping me relax your emotions and thoughts are so clear right now. Not words or anything definite but rather a feeling that projects you into my heart. Am I making sense?" Hunter was rambling, clearly overcome, and attempting to explain what he was feeling. The bond was unique, and words often fell short of a proper description.

"You're experiencing the bond, my love. I feel you too in my heart, and in my mind, it's."

"You fed from me, and it was amazing. The feeling was electric and raced through me, touching every nerve and setting me on fire in the most delicious way possible." Hunter continued to try and make his feeling clear, but he didn't need to. Simeon could feel everything he was feeling.

"It was electric for me, too," Simeon told him. "It was energizing and delicious beyond description.

"You only feed from me from now on." Hunter seemed to need to make that clear, and Simeon could help the chuckle that escaped him.

"Only you, my love; no one else will ever satisfy me."

"Only you, no one else," Hunter repeated the pledge.
