Page 13 of Simeon's Beloved

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"I'll get them. You're doing too much already." He said this and headed for the door. Simeon pulled on his sweatpants and followed, knowing more than just his clothes were waiting for him at the door.

His luggage was sitting by the wall in the living room along with a bag containing Simeon's things, but on the breakfast bar just to their right was the jeweled box containing the two bottles of aged Pinot Noir from the auction. Hunter was standing there staring at the box and not saying a word.

Simeon walked up to stand beside him and waited with his arms crossed. After a few minutes of both of them standing there looking at the box, Hunter finally spoke. "You were the other bidder."

“I would not allow that bastard to take this from you.”

“You paid $20,000.”

"I don't care about the cost. No one was going to have this but you. Besides, the money goes to a good cause." Simeon looked down at his beloved. "Your happiness is worth every penny." Hunter looked up at him with an expression so sweet Simeon felt it touch his soul.

"No one has ever done something so grand for me. No one has cared enough to think of me and what I might want or need." His voice was trembling with the emotion filling him. "It would have been heartbreaking for me if George had won that bid. He would have done something awful with them, probably sit and make me watch him drink them, or he would have willfully destroyed them just to get a rise out of me. I was so thankful when someone beat him out and won the bid. Thank you, Simeon. How can I ever repay you?"

"You owe me nothing. I am you, beloved, and there isn't anything in the world that I would not do for you and your happiness." Simeon glanced down at him again, and there were tears in Hunter's eyes but a smile on his lips.

"I think I love you, Simeon," Hunter stated, throwing himself into Simeon's arms. He caught him effortlessly and proceeded to kiss him like their lives depended on it. Simeon's hands were under the robe relishing the soft, warm flesh of Hunter's delicious body. He slowly brought the kiss to an end and pressed Hunter firmly against him, feeling the heat and strength of his gorgeous man.

"I love you too, Hunter." He pressed his face into Hunter's soft hair and took several deep breaths, feeling his aroma's energizing effect. "I never needed anyone until I met you, my love."

"I never wanted anyone until I saw you, Simeon." The embrace continued until Simeon's phone rang, and he took the call from Master Cabot.

To say he was utterly overwhelmed would be an understatement his life had taken a turn for the fantastical, and he couldn't believe how wonderful it was to have someone by his side. He had someone who cared, saw him as worthy, and valued his presence and input. He was a protector, lover, and everything a partner should be. Hunter feared that he was going to wake up and all this would have been a dream. Maybe no one caught him, and right now, he was in a hospital in a coma, and Simeon, the great Simeon, was his dream lover.

He watched Simeon take his call and waited. He was feeling the tension in the air and was wondering what the issue was that had Simeon glancing uncertainly in his direction. He must have felt the unease creeping in on Hunter because he walked back over to him and draped his arm across Hunter's shoulders, pulling him into his side and holding him there, secure and protected.

If this were just a dream, it was very vivid and detailed, and Hunter decided he never wanted to wake up. He couldn't lose this man who was the find of the century. Hunter felt his stomach tighten and fear spike with the mere thought of losing Simeon. He was a man he'd known for so short a time but who had taken root in his heart and his soul and would remain there for all time.

"It's okay, baby. There is nothing to be afraid of. I'm here with you." He came back to awareness with Simeon cupping his cheeks and reassuring him. The man was always there, always giving him what he needed. He was addicted to this man and was not ashamed of that fact.

“I’m okay just got caught up in my head for a moment.” Hunter tried to explain.

"Why don't you get dressed, and we'll have breakfast. It should be here shortly." Simeon suggested. "Then Master Cabot would like to see us. He has information about your attacker and who hired him."

“He knows?” Simeon nodded but gave no more.

"Get dressed, and let's have breakfast. You haven't eaten, and you need to keep up your strength."

"Okay, but I'm going to be a bundle of nerves until I find out what Master Cabot has to say." He admitted, and Simeon smiled indulgently.

“Then you better hurry.”

Hunter washed up and dressed, and they had their breakfast as promised on the balcony that overlooked some of the vineyards. Simeon kept the conversation light and informative, explaining the setup and the outbuildings that were visible. He talked about Hunter moving in with him and getting familiar with the day-to-day workings of the vineyard.

"I don't have anything to do with the winery, Sam is more in charge of that aspect of the Coven, and he will get you settled and comfortable. You'll be happy here, Hunter, I promise." Hunter was amused by the fact that Simeon was continuing to do a hard sell to someone who was already sold. Hunter didn't interrupt but rather kept nodding and thanking God for putting this wonderful man in his life.

"I met Sam Cabot two years ago when I attended my first wine-tasting convention here in Eastport. He's very knowledgeable." Hunter felt a shadow of insecurity touch him at the thought of perhaps not measuring up to Sam's expectations, but he quickly pushed that old thinking aside.

He's had enough of feeling inadequate. He knows his worth even if his father and brother do not. He knows grapes, and he knows how to make the best wine, and if they'd given him half a chance, they would be making more money and expanding their business by this time. But they are scared and limited and without vision, so they sit and let the world pass them by.

They finished breakfast, and together they went to Master Emmanuel's office, which was located on the top floor of the chateau. Simeon gave him a cursory tour as they made their way there, and Hunter could not help but be impressed at what Master Cabot and his people had achieved. "How do I address Mr. Cabot when I meet him?" Hunter didn't want to make any faux pas.

“He is Master Cabot, and you can address him as such.” Hunter ran the title over in his mind a couple times until it felt comfortable. He was really a bundle of nerves right now.

Simeon knocked and was summoned inside by a voice that seemed to ripple across Hunter's nerves, not in a bad way but in a way that radiated power and authority. He knew for a fact that if Simeon was not at his side, he would not enter this room. The relationship between Master Cabot and Simeon was easy and relaxed, nothing like what Hunter endured with his father, who saw himself as the King of Rose Wines.

"Pleased to meet you, Hunter. I hope you are finding our home here pleasant and comfortable." The Master extended his hand to Hunter, who was suffering a bit of shock at meeting this man, the head of Cabot Wines, who for years has maintained a cloak of mystery and was rarely, if ever, seen or photographed.

His father spoke of Emmanuel Cabot in disparaging terms like weird, daft, and high on his own supply, but the only person high on their own supply was his father. There was no one quite as delusional and pretentious as David Rose. He took the offered hand and felt just a taste of the power of this man. He was tall and handsome, but although impressive, he did not hold a candle to Simeon. No one could.
