Page 28 of Forbidden Lies

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It doesn't take us long till we are on the highway out of town. The roof down on my convertible, the fall breeze blowing through her long blonde hair, her hand in mine while the sun catches on her engagement ring. Life is bliss.

I snap backwhen I hear a honk, realizing I was so lost in my memories that I started to drift into the other lane. I'm only ten minutes from home. Wow, I must have really zoned out if I lost forty-five minutes to my thoughts.

I pull into a gas station and check my phone. Some of the guys tagged a restaurant they were all going to for dinner. A glance at the clock shows it was only posted a few minutes ago. I could eat.

I wonder if Coach decided to join. I know he wants to see me. He’s been on my case the last few days. I don’t think he believed I had a nasty stomach flu. Not to mention, I know Dom’s going to be there.

I know he's worried. He has every right to be. The last few months were hard on us all, but he kept our family together. Plus, he’s been keeping an eye on my dollface, making sure she's not getting too comfortable without me there.

Being away, I had a lot of time to think. I know what we’re doing to Gracie is childish, but I’m hurt and upset, and I don’t fucking know anymore. Am I going to stop? Probably not… not yet, at least.

I guess time will tell.

I drive over to the restaurant and park. I can see the team inside through the huge glass window. They are laughing and sharing appetizers. My stomach growls, and I sigh. Opening my door, I climb out and stretch, groaning.

Fuck it feels good after being stuck in that position for so long. I don’t bother texting anyone to let them know I’m here. I walk into the place and move over to the table. King is the first to see me, dropping his wing onto his plate.

“I know I’m tired, but I think I’m hallucinating now,” he mumbles, and I laugh. Dom throws his chair back and stands, pulling me into a big hug.

“I am so pissed at you, but fuck, I missed you, Ashton,” he growls, and I push away from him.

“We will talk later. Right now, just feed my ass,” I say, and Carter laughs, standing and grabbing another chair. Must have been fate, stopping by, because the moment my ass hits the seat, the waitress comes by to take my order.


King keeps looking my way, his eyes widening toward Ash. I shake my head. We will talk, but not during a team meal. I trust Isaiah and Sam but not the others. They aren’t a part of our group.

Ash laughs at something Curtis tells him, and I can’t help but pay a little more attention to him. He seems better. Maybe the time away was good for him after all. We order our food, then bullshit about nothing of importance.

Carter leans closer to me and whispers, “When are we going to tie him down for his intervention?” I just so happened to be taking a drink, and I start to choke. I turn to look at him with a glare.

“What the fuck?” Ash sputters, proving that Carter was not quiet. I roll my eyes and assure my best friend that he was joking. But with the way Carter is clenching his fist and glaring at Ash, I’m not so sure he is.

“You good?” I ask him, and he relaxes a little and nods. I glance at King, who shrugs.

“So, Ash, how was the cabin?” I ask, trying to make small talk while we wait for our food. I am starving and kinda regretting inviting the whole team. Large parties mean longer wait times.

I can tell King is getting hangry, too, by the way he’s ripping into that roll. Curtis excuses himself to use the bathroom, and the other guys aren’t paying us attention. Ash leans closer to me and hisses, “Seriously, what the fuck is going on with you three?”

Carter snorts and shakes his head. “You ditched us for almost three weeks, and you think we will just welcome you back without any issues? Bro, you fucking left and wanted us to keep an eye on Gracie. Well, ya know what, I’m done,” he snaps and shoves his chair away from the table right as two waitresses show up with platters of food.

Carter moves over to King and takes Curtis’ seat. I hand him his meal, and Ash looks really confused.

“What does this have to do with Gracie?” he growls, and I laugh, ignoring him. I dig into my burger. It’s good, but I’ve lost my appetite.

King leans forward so Ash can hear him, “Don’t leave until we talk,” he says, then returns to his pasta dish.

“So, this is how shit’s going to be now? Not only did that bitch steal my sister from me, but she’s taking you three too.” He laughs sardonically and bites the french fry in his hand, grumbling as he chews.

If I wasn’t so pissed, I might have found this scene comedic.

* * *

“Willwe see you at practice tomorrow?” Isaiah asks Ash, and he shakes his head as he signs the receipt for our meals. He claimed he was doing it since it’s his fault that we got our asses kicked by Lakeside, but I think he’s doing it to butter us up.

It’s not going to work. He has put Gracie through hell and hasn’t even been around to witness it. After our chat over the weekend, I know for sure that she didn’t hurt Mia. Something else must have happened. Maybe this was all a prank gone wrong.

But deep in my gut, I just know that Gracelyn Rose is innocent.

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