Page 58 of Selena

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I could feel her scoff; it made her body shudder against mine.

"Let's not talk any more tonight," she said softly.

There was a long silence, and then she said, into the dark, "But thank you."

I responded by just kissing her on top of her head.

And then, wrapped in my arms, she fell asleep.



Selena’s bed beckoned me,and yet I couldn’t bring myself to leave the studio. At least I knew Dominic was in her bed, comforting her in her dreams even though she’d never admit she needed us by daylight.

I couldn’t shake the need to make something for her.

Something that would make her life better.

Maybe I should’ve made her art.

Instead, I made her a bomb.

It was the most compact one I’d ever made—a personal bomb, just for the person who had killed her parents. I could make more if she liked them.

I fussed with it all night, trying to make it perfect for her.

But by the time dawn was breaking and I had moved on to producing more, since Selena was sure there were many people behind her parents’ death, I wondered if… well. I wondered if I had gone full psycho.

Would it be weird to give it to her?


I should’ve given her a painting.

Right when I was berating myself for being an idiot—what a romantic thing, murder presents—there was a soft knock at the door.

I opened it to find Selena.

She looked hesitant. “I just wanted to check on you.”

“Oh,” I said. “Because I never came in last night.”

She nodded. “Wanted to make sure you weren’t dead.”

But then I realized what she really meant was,wanted to make sure you weren’t mad.

It amazed me that such a badass girl as Selena cared what I thought.

“Still here,” I said. “You want to come in?”

“Always. I love it in here.” She gave me a smile that lit my heart.

“You do?”

“It’s so… alive,” she said, wrapping her arms around her chest as if she were cold.

I grabbed one of my sweatshirts from the dresser and carried it over to her. She accepted it with a small smile, then pulled it over her head. She drowned in the thing, pushing it up on her narrow wrists, but the voluminous clothing was sexy in its own way. I liked seeing her wear my clothes.
