Page 19 of Selena

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Hard pass. I’d never be ready to be dominated. Aiden was sexy, but I thought he’d look sexier if I was pegginghim.

“For someone who needs this to work, you seem to really enjoy keeping me in the dark.”

“If you’re good enough to do the job, darling, you’ll be able to follow my lead.”

His friends joined us. There were several good looking men, and beautiful women who hung on their arms. Unlike Dominic who looked clean-cut enough to be secretly an FBI agent, all these men clearly weren’t trying to blend in at church on Sunday. Ink peeked above the collars of their expensive suits, and no matter how well-hidden, I was trained to spot the tell-tale signs of discreetly-carried guns. These men were all ready for a fight.

I wasn’t going to grab one of their guns, though I could feel Aiden’s intensity as he watched to make sure I didn’t lunge for a weapon. Why the hell did he want me by his side when he thought I might murder him at any moment?

He wasn’t wrong. He shouldn’t trust me. But I didn’t understand the mobster heir, and that bothered me.

“Henry, Fox, it’s good to see you.” Aiden shook hands with a couple of guys, then settled his hand on the small of my back as he escorted me forward. His eyes lit with pride—what a good actor—as he said, “I’d like you to meet Selena.”

“Pleasure,” Fox said as he shook my hand.

A waiter was already at Aiden’s shoulder, handing him a glass of bourbon and asking him what I would like to drink.

“I like bourbon,” I said with a smile, taking the drink out of Aiden’s hand.

Aiden paused, just for a second, but Henry’s eyes swiveled between us. Then Aiden said, “Yes, bring another glass, please.”

The waiter headed off, and Henry asked me, “So, Selena, are you new in the city?”

“Yes,” I said. “I met Aiden at a party in New York and he convinced me to follow him here.”

Aiden nodded, and somehow I didn’t doubt his ability to pick up every detail I created and spin out the lies. “I didn’t care for her friends in New York.”

Really? He could make up any story he wanted, and he was going to present himself as a controlling bastard?

“Luckily, I gave up my friends in exchange for an offer I couldn’t refuse.” I twined my hand over Aiden’s corded forearm, tucking myself into his side.

Aiden’s gaze flickered across the room—at nothing—and then he said, “Excuse me, gentlemen. I have a few other people who need to meet Selena.”

“Of course. Pleasure meeting you, Selena.”

As he steered me away from them, he murmured in my ear, “You’re making yourself sound like a gold-digger.”

“The offer I can’t refuse could be the chance to peg you,” I disagreed. “I might be willing to relocate for that.”

“I wouldn’t be with a gold-digger.” Aiden removed my hand from his arm. He looked genuinely annoyed.

So I’d found a sore spot to use against him. Fantastic.

He took the glass of bourbon back from me. “I think you already forgot what I told you.”

“Smart. Sophisticated. Submissive. Yes, I know. But I also just appeared out of nowhere as your future fiancée. People need to know we met in New York. Why I fell head over heels in love with you.” I smiled up at him as I added the last, but it was for the benefit of a couple moving near us that might be able to hear over the music.

Aiden sighed under his breath, as if perhaps he had just realized this was a bad idea. Xander, Dominic and I had all told him just that.

Then I overheard the woman in the couple behind us say quietly, “She’s no Lolly.”

“Might be for the best,” he responded.

I raised my eyebrows at Aiden, but he either hadn’t heard them or had decided not to.

“Go talk to the girls,” he said. “Redeem yourself.”

I was tempted to correct him—they were women, after all—but I refrained.
