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Just as they were about to leave the venue, a photographer approached them. "Jade, Taylor, may I get a photo of you two together?"

Jade looked at Taylor, a hint of uncertainty in her eyes. Taylor simply gave her a reassuring nod, and they posed for the photo, their hands still clasped together. The resulting image captured the essence of their connection, immortalizing the moment when their feelings for each other were no longer just a secret shared between them.

Chapter 6

The film set was abuzz with activity, as crew members scurried around, adjusting lighting and checking equipment. Jade, in full costume, stood in the center of it all, taking deep breaths to center herself before the director called "Action!"

With the cameras rolling, Jade became one with her character, her eyes glistening with unshed tears as she delivered a powerful monologue that would undoubtedly become a defining moment in the film. Taylor, standing at the edge of the set, watched Jade with a mixture of awe and admiration, her posture relaxed but her eyes alert, scanning the surroundings for any potential threats.

As Jade reached the climax of her performance, Taylor's phone buzzed in her pocket. She discreetly checked the incoming message, her eyes widening as she read the anonymous tip: "Your stalker is here. Watch your back."

Taylor's heart raced, her senses immediately heightened. She looked around, trying to discern if the message was genuine or just a cruel joke. Her focus shifted from Jade to the people surrounding the set, scrutinizing their faces and movements, attempting to identify any sign of the stalker.

The director called "Cut!" and the set erupted in applause for Jade's performance. Taylor, however, was too preoccupied to join in. She moved closer to Jade, her eyes never leaving the perimeter of the set.

"Hey, is everything okay?" Jade asked, sensing Taylor's sudden tension.

"Yeah, just got an anonymous tip about the stalker being nearby," Taylor whispered, not wanting to alarm Jade further.

Jade's eyes widened in fear, but she quickly composed herself. "What do we do now?"

Taylor placed a reassuring hand on Jade's shoulder. "We stay vigilant, and I'll get security to do a sweep of the area. I won't let anything happen to you."

Taylor could feel the tension mounting as she subtly signaled Liam with a discreet nod. He picked up on her cue immediately, his eyes darting across the bustling film set to search for any signs of danger. They kept their vigilance, watching over Jade like hawks.

As the crew began setting up for the next scene, Taylor's eyes narrowed on a shadowy figure lurking near the perimeter. Noticing the stranger's sudden movement toward Jade, Taylor sprang into action.

In an instant, she was by Jade's side, shielding her from the masked intruder. The stalker, realizing his cover had been blown, broke into a sprint, attempting to flee the scene.

Taylor looked at Jade and Liam, her voice firm, "Stay with Jade, Liam. I'm going after him."

Liam nodded, assuming a protective stance as Taylor took off after the masked assailant.

The stalker dashed through the labyrinth of equipment and props, his every move calculated and precise. Taylor, however, matched him stride for stride, her training allowing her to anticipate his maneuvers. Their high-stakes chase continued, weaving in and out of the set's chaos.

At one point, the stalker nearly slipped through Taylor's grasp, but she managed to catch sight of him again, her determination only growing stronger.

"Stop!" Taylor shouted, her voice echoing across the set as crew members scrambled out of her path.

The stalker, realizing he was cornered, made a desperate leap over a stack of crates, disappearing from Taylor's sight.

Frustrated, Taylor skidded to a halt, scanning the area for any trace of the elusive figure. She clenched her fists, feeling a mix of anger and disappointment at having lost the stalker.

As she returned to Jade and Liam, she saw the concern etched on their faces. Jade reached out, placing a hand on Taylor's shoulder, her voice soft, "Thank you for trying. I know you'll catch him eventually."

Taylor nodded, her resolve renewed. She would do whatever it took to keep Jade safe.

In the aftermath of the pursuit, Jade trembled, feeling the lingering fear ripple through her body. Taylor, sensing her distress, instinctively wrapped her arms around Jade, providing a protective and comforting embrace.

Jade leaned into Taylor's warmth, her breath hitching as she whispered, "I was so scared. What if you hadn't been there?"

Taylor tightened her hold on Jade, her voice soft but firm, "Hey, I'll always be there for you. You're safe with me."

As they stood entwined, the lines between their professional and personal relationship continued to blur, their connection deepening with every shared heartbeat.

Liam, ever the supportive friend, gently placed a hand on Jade's shoulder, his face reflecting a mix of concern and empathy. "Hey, it's alright, Jade. We've got your back. And besides," he added with a grin, "you've got the world's most badass bodyguard on your side. You're practically invincible!"

Jade couldn't help but smile, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "Thanks, Liam. I don't know what I'd do without you guys."

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