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“No, I don’t think it’s anything to worry about like the hired help. But perhaps it could have been someone at your engagement party.”

“Goodness, who would have thought? Family and close friends, why would any of them do that? Do you think someone showed up that I didn't meet, sadly I didn't get to talk to everyone like I’d hoped. Maybe one of Sienna’s friends, she has a few unusual friends. Should I mention it to her?”

“No, don't do that. For now, just put the stuff I sent you with my drive aside, put it away so no one sees it and in a few weeks we can talk.”

“You're right brother, there is no sense in worrying my future bride to be, she will be hiding away all the jewels I gave her and worried with fear. I won’t get anything done after that. I’m glad we are getting married next month.”

I never got the chance to ask my brother when they were set to get married so soon, but this news was a bit unsettling. As much as I liked Sienna, it seemed sudden. “Why are you getting married so quickly? She’s not…”

“No, hell no. Not yet anyway. No, she just asked me if we could get married quickly because her grandmother is sick, and she wants to make sure that she is alive to witness it. They are close.”

“Oh, I see. Well, I have to say you got lucky Danny. Not that I have plans of ever getting married, but if I were to get married, I would be lucky to find someone like Sienna.”

“Do I detect a note of hopefulness in my cynic brother? Whatever could be causing this lapse in judgment and thoughtfulness? Are you final y maturing Wes?”

I laughed, unable to ignore the note of sarcasm on my brother’s part. “Not at all, I am in no way looking to the horizon and seeing a beautiful bride or hearing wedding bells. I’m just merely making an assumption about myself if I ever found myself wanting a wife.”

We hung up not long after, and I felt a sense of relief stopping Danny from telling Sienna. The woman was an utter sweetheart and didn't need any undue stress, their lives should be happy and devoid of drama while I tended to the she devil now in my home.

I found her straightening up the kitchen. The food I ordered arrived not long after. “Come, let’s sit and eat and you can tell me more about yourself. I never got the chance to get to know you beyond your lies, and the bedroom.”

Visions of her standing in a French maid’s uniform and nothing else was all I could see. I ran down her back, felt her shiver and saw the goosebumps pucker on her skin. I took the liberty of running my tongue down the exposed skin of her neck to her shoulder and kissed. From there I

kissed all the way down her arm and landed at her wrist where I nibbled, feeling a sense of sweet longing at the moment.

I glanced at her eyes and wondered what was running through her mind. I was mad at her, so mad I could spank her like a child, and yet I had hopes for her, that this lesson I was set on teaching her would be learned.

I read nothing in her eyes, saw a hint of desire, and want but nothing else other than irritation. I wanted her to want me, unsure why it bothered me so much. I ran my hand up the inside of her thigh to that sweet spot, her clit and rubbed lightly, saw the way her eyes softened, and her lips parted.

I held her that way, containing the beast inside me, so I didn't pin her to the hardwood floor and shove my dick inside her. The idea of pressing myself into her and holding her that way excited me, she was mine, like prey.

There was something erotic and hot about that idea, her being powerless to both our passion, hating me for all I made her feel and yet unable to control her own wants. I saw it in her eyes, her desire building but she masked it well. I let my hand fall, tasted her tempting sweetness on my fingers.

Eloise looked ready to argue with me but quietly sat down at the table beside me, a notably miserable look on her face. “I agreed to work for you and service you, in other ways, but I am not your wife or girlfriend, I don’t need to make small talk with you.”

She said no more so I left it at that. When night arrived, I was restless, having her in my home, I wanted her in my bed immediately. I stopped myself from thinking what that meant and focused on how convenient it was to have such a thing, a playmate in your home whenever you wanted.

I was wicked and knew it, but the idea intrigued me. Now I only had to entice her to join me in my bed and not wait until tomorrow. I only had to figure out how to do that. I knocked on her door before I retired to my room, and when I got no answer, I worried she’d somehow, through some madness of her own, climb out the window.

Finding the door unlocked I entered and heard noise in the bathroom. It sounded like a shower.

When I knocked, I got no answer. I knew it was quite possible that Eloise could have snuck out the house and left the shower running so I would think she was still here.

It was madness, the anger I suddenly felt, praying she wasn’t gone so I didn't have to call the police. I pushed that door open and waved my hands around at the steam. Eloise!”

Before I reached the shower door to open it, I saw her naked form in all its glory as she spun in circles beneath the water, the sound of her throaty humming made me hard instantly. I knew I

should leave; it was in bad taste to intrude on her when I had yet to entice her, and our agreement was to begin tomorrow.

My feet were frozen in place, I knew she would want me the second she came out the door, overly confident I striped off my shirt and pants and stood there wearing nothing but the skin I was born in and waited.

The water stopped then, and she came busting out the door, reaching for the towel. I smiled, laughing to myself that I’d managed to steal it from the rack so she would have to walk naked to the other side of the bathroom for my viewing pleasure.

“What the hel ?” She moved gracefully out the door, turned, and saw me. Her eyes betrayed her as they wandered the length of me, to see every hard muscle of my manhood. After she stared overly long at my hard shaft our eyes met, her mouth fell open and then she caught herself and closed it. “What are you doing in here? Our agreement was to begin tomorrow, not tonight.”

She moved like a beautiful butterfly across the room, every inch of her dripping wet body a temptation I couldn’t ignore if I wanted. I watched, fascinated that she could so easily ignore me. “You are stunning Eloise; I don’t know how my brother could have let you go. I know you looked very different before but still, If I loved you, I would have never let you go, but pay the price of forever making you my slave to possess you.”

My words were shocking to my own mind but spoken from the lust of my body I could say nothing else but watch and wait for her reply. I knew she was going to say something. A man couldn’t say something like that to a woman and not get something back.

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