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At the end of Robbie and my back and forth, there were five names of possible female suspects. They were the ones who I perceived would be vindictive enough and have the means to send someone after Lisa. They also lived in the area where the post originated from, so it was pretty easy to drive around to all their houses.

The first one, a girl I’d been with for half my final year of college before she wanted more, and we broke up, nearly slammed the door in my face.

“Hey.” I wedged the door with my foot. “Just let me in for a second. I need to talk to you.”

Her eyes flashed with temper. “What could the great Nick Walker want to talk to little old me about? Let me guess. You want me to rescind the story I gave the papers, right? You want me to come out and say you’re a nice guy? Well, it’s too late because the magazine isn’t running it again anyway, thanks to you and your new fiancée.”

“No, I’m not here about that,” I explained, feeling guilty at the hurt on her face. “You were right about everything you said. And I deserved it, to be honest. I was a complete asshole to you, and you didn’t deserve any of it.” I got her sincerity, knowing I was a heel. “I’m not going to ask for your forgiveness or excuse anything I did. The truth is, I was an idiot, and I did it because I could…because I wanted to. I never for one second considered your feelings…and if things were fair. I thought because I was honest, I could be as big of a dick as I wanted. I’m sorry.”

Her eyes widened in shock. “Did you just apologize to me?”

I nodded. While I’d initially thought this entire thing was a giant overreaction, I now realized how much I hurt these women. Yes, I hadn’t meant to lead them on, but I’d never considered their feelings in anything, using them mercilessly for my pleasure and excusing my behavior by telling myself they all knew the score. I probably subconsciously saw all of them as another Kim, and it took Lisa to show me how wrong I was.

“I have a daughter now, “ I said. “And if anyone did to her what I did to you, I would go mental on them.”

There was doubt still on her face, but she shrugged. “Alright. I appreciate that, I guess. What did you want to ask me?”

I shrugged. “Just how you’re doing?”

She frowned. “If you think you’re going to get yourself back in my bed, you’re mistaken. I have a boyfriend now.”

“No, I’m not trying to do that,” I assured her. “I also have a woman who I’m very in love with. I’m just trying to, I dunno, ease my guilt.”

I mentioned the love line to see her reaction or note if she would express anger. But instead, some warmth appeared on her face.

“So you really do love her?” she asked, practically gushing at the fact.

“I do,” I said honestly. “More than she believes.”

“That’s because, with women, you have to show them.” With that, she started and began a twenty-minute lecture on how I should go about proving my love.

After it was done, I walked back to the car, feeling exhausted from everything.

“How was that?” Robbie asked.

I shook my head. “I don’t think it was her. She forgave me too easily and didn’t display any hatred.”

Robbie nodded. “I took the liberty of going through her trash while you were talking. Didn’t find much that’s useful.”

“Thought so.” I sighed tiredly. “One down, four more to go.”



“Do you have any twos?” Taylor asked.

“Go fish!” Violet responded gleefully.

“Dang it.”

I smiled as I glanced over at the living room, where Taylor was playing a card game with my daughter. It had only been a few days since we got the bodyguards, but we were already getting used to them. I invited them in two days ago because I thought it might get boring for them to do nothing but stay outside, keeping watch. Gus and Sal insisted on staying at their posts, but Taylor took me up on the offer, and he now usually resided on the couch, playing with Violet while I worked.

Like he did now.

My usually sweet-tempered daughter was getting fussy from being cooped up inside for so long and not being able to go to daycare. She’d been moody the whole day until Taylor engaged her in the Go Fish game. She seemed to be enjoying herself so far, especially since she was currently winning, although that might just be Taylor letting her win.

I could see he did currently have the card he just asked for but went to pick up another anyway. He glanced over and winked at me, and I smiled weakly before I looked away. Even though this entire bodyguard thing was uncomfortable, you could say that I was kinda getting used to it. But constantly looking over my shoulder even when I was only a few feet from my home? Now, that was tiring.

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