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I shrugged. “Nothing. It’s just that…this is by no means a woman’s dream proposal.”

“I would say an expensive ring, a beautiful location, and delicious lobster would be any woman’s dream proposal.”

Of course, because money meant everything to him. “Sure.”

“Why? Is it different for you?”

I looked him in the eyes, answering earnestly despite the mocking smile. “Yes, actually.”

“Really?” He leaned forward, curiosity glinting in his eyes. “Tell me. What is Lisa Moon’s dream proposal?”

I held his gaze, refusing to lose this game we were having. “Have you ever watched The Proposal? The time when she runs away from the altar, and he finds her in New York and proposes again? Or one of those movies where the guy chases the girl down in the airport and proposes in front of everyone?”

“Now that’s a surprise. I never took you for one who wanted a cheesy public proposal.”

“It’s not necessarily about the proposal being public,” I continued. “It’s just…it’s nice having someone put in all that effort for you, someone wanting you so bad that they’re willing to embarrass themselves for you. Even if it’s cheesy. At that point, the ring doesn’t even matter. They could propose to me with a candy pop, and if I loved them, I would happily say yes.”

Nick watched me for a few seconds with something halfway between surprise and disbelief on his features. And then he shook his head. “Well, that’s not me. So, shall we move on to the next order of business?”

I swallowed my irritation and pasted a smile on my face. “Of course.”

By the end of the dinner, I was exhausted and frustrated in more ways than one.

Which was probably why I dreamt of him again that night.

We got home right around her nap time, and she was already asleep in my arms when we arrived. I tucked her in, then took a shower before dozing off in bed too.

I didn’t know if it was the easy conversation or leftover sexual tension of being with Nick all evening, but the dream started at the climax of things, his tongue on my ear and his fingers on my clit right as I was on the verge of climax.

“Fuck, you’re so wet.” His voice was liquid heat as his finger stirred the storm in me. “I can’t believe how wet you are.”

“Nick,” I gasped, feeling the knot inside me turn into a dangerous flame. “Nick—”

“Yes, that’s right, baby,” he said hoarsely. “Say my name as I make you come for me.”


I came awake with his name on my lips, my pussy on fire, and my body trembling with desire. I refused to give in to the urge to masturbate to release the tension. I’d never met a man who made me feel this crazy lust. Nick might own my attraction, but I would not give him power over my body.

And I especially would never give him power over my heart again.



“There’s another one,” Simon remarked when he walked into my office the next day. He handed me the magazine, and once again, my face was front and center. It was an old picture taken at the launch of my company. I was smiling in the photo, but my eyes had been edited to turn up at the corners like some cartoonish villain.

“This time, the story is a lot more detailed,” Simon said. “One of the women described a date between the two of you and how you told her that you loved her. She said you wanted a life together and promised her children and a family. And then she caught you in bed with her best friend.”

“What a load of bullshit,” I said, flipping through the pages. While some of the prior accounts had some truth to them, this one was pure fabrication. I couldn’t even recognize the name of the person, much less any of the dating scenarios she described. Plus, I knew for a fact that I’d never told any woman I loved her, not even Kim, who, at a time, I did believe I loved.

The reporter who penned the article wasn’t a familiar name either. Did I somehow get on their wrong side? Or was someone paying him to keep this inane story going? Why the fuck was this even news? I knew I wasn’t the most upright guy, but I’d never lied to anybody.

Sometimes people just believed what they wanted to believe and got their hearts broken in return.

“Did you find out what I asked?” I inquired.

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