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“Come in,” I said, and the door slowly crept open. I could see anxiety and annoyance in her eyes as she walked in. I smiled.

“Bright and early like I like it. Have a seat, Lisa.”

I used her first name to see how she would respond. Her jaw tightened, but she said nothing else.

I still couldn’t believe I didn’t recognize her after all this time. I remembered the first time we met when her brother introduced her as a cousin who would be staying with them for the time being. She’d glanced at me out of the corners of her eyes at the time and then glanced away when she noted my expression. I didn’t blame her.

I was in a bad mood at the time after an entire morning of arguing with my then-girlfriend Kim, who wanted me to blow off training to go to her house and fool around. And while I loved fooling around with Kim—the girl was freaky in more ways than one—I was on an athletic scholarship, and unlike the rest of the rich kids, I couldn’t afford to start missing practice and slacking. Football was my ticket to being wealthy and giving my aunt the life she deserved.

But Kim didn’t understand my commitment to the sport and decided she was going to give me the silent treatment, which was more irritating than anything.

At the time, I was contemplating breaking up with her. I should have, but I’d convinced myself by that point that I was in love with her, which was a fucking stupid thing to think, but teenagers weren’t exactly the smartest creatures on the planet.

So, when Lisa introduced herself, I probably just gave her a terse nod and not much else. And then, the only other time we’d spoken was the night we fucked. The night I found Kim and Carson—my supposed best pal—making out in one of the rooms at a party. I was so fucking pissed and, even worse, hurt. I wasn’t heartbroken or anything, but he was my fucking best friend.

I saw red as I slipped out of the room, my entire mind set on revenge. Then, she was there in front of me with her sweet, innocent eyes.

The one person Carson never wanted me to touch.

I felt the tiniest pang of guilt at the memory. At the end of the day, none of it was her fault. She was simply collateral damage in the long run, though it didn’t mean I felt sorry for what I did. It was worth it for the look on Carson and Kim’s faces alone when they found out. As for Lisa, she knew the score. It wasn’t like she was in love with me or anything. And I knew she enjoyed herself. I could still hear her last little cries in my ear, her moans, and the feeling of her nails scoring my back.

Also, the sound that first left her when I finally pushed my cock into her delicious heat.

God, that was a surprise. I had never felt anything so hot and wet and tight as her.

Shit, my cock was lengthening and hardening just thinking about it.

And she was sitting down, chewing her lips as she pondered on something carefully.

“Settling in well?” I asked, and she nodded, avoiding my eyes. Her hands were twisting around in her lap, and she kept opening and shutting her mouth like she wanted to say something, but clearly, she didn’t quite know how to say it.

“Spit it out,” I finally ordered.

“Do you remember that night we spent together?” she blurted out suddenly, and I had to admit it shocked me. It was the last thing I expected her to say. She was just full of surprises. I didn’t expect her to be the one to bring it up again.

I smirked. “I remember.” I remembered the way her head was thrown back in ecstasy and the way her entire body shook when I played with her nipples.

“Well,” she muttered. “There’s something I didn’t tell you after. But then again, I didn’t think you’d care.”


She swallowed. “That night…a few weeks after, I got pregnant. And, well, you have a daughter.”



At first, his expression didn’t change.

He watched me with the same calculating gaze, his unflinching eyes scrutinizing me as if wanting to know my deepest darkest secrets. I looked away, even though I’d already given him my biggest secret of all.

I never expected or intended on ever letting him know that he had a daughter. It might seem cruel, but my first thought was to protect Violet. I knew he wouldn’t want her. He’d pretty much told me as much on the only night we spent together, all while he was zipping up and getting dressed.

“You’re on the pill, right?” he’d asked coldly, not even looking at me as he said it. “I think the condom might have failed at the end.”

The words seemed to highlight my misery. I’d been trying to suppress my tears, feeling the whiplash from the crash. Just a few minutes ago, I was riding a high unlike any other. Now, the crash was just as steep and devastating.

I nodded vaguely, not even really hearing him. The alcohol was still swimming through me, and I was trying to make sense of the fact that just a few seconds ago, he’d been holding me so close, his face twisted in delicious orgasmic pleasure. But once it was over, he’d rolled over and told me, “I’m sorry. This wasn’t personal. You were just collateral damage.”

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