Page 55 of Sienna

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He nodded. “Unfortunately, I am.”

She grimaced. She wasn’t being a very good salesperson. “I guess I should tell you a little about the features of this car.” She waved a hand toward the dashboard. “This has adaptive cruise control and will keep a safe distance from any vehicle ahead. It also has—“

“Look out!”

His alert sent her attention jerking back to the road, but at seeing the truck ahead that had broken down on their lane she instantly panicked, hitting the accelerator instead of the brake before she slammed the steering wheel one way to avoid smashing into the truck. Though she pulled the steering wheel back in the opposite direction, it was too late. The SUV broke through the safety railing as though it was made out of matchsticks.

Seconds later they struck the river beneath.

Fear held her in its grip as the SUV immediately began taking in water. She was only half-aware of Jasper unclipping her seatbelt and his voice coaxing her into getting out of the car.

She shook her head. “I-I can’t swim.”

“Then I’ll help you.”

She finally looked at him, then blinked rapidly. Was she dreaming?

The man beside her was Jasper...and yet it wasn’t. Orange scales were forming on his skin right along with thick webbing between his fingers. He ripped off his shirt, then turned to her and said, “What you’re about to see might scare you, but I won’t hurt you, okay? I would never hurt you.”

Suddenly she was no longer scared of drowning. She was too focused on the creature Jasper was becoming. It wasn’t until he closed his eyes with a jagged moan, a fin surging from his spine, that she asked hoarsely, “Who are you?”
