Page 54 of Sienna

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“How can you help me?” he repeated softly, his gaze still not leaving hers. “I’m not really sure.”

She blinked, comprehension dawning and her heart plummeting. “If you prefer, Havana can take you around the showroom.”

How many sales had Suzy lost lately to the effervescent Havana?

Too many.

“No.” His reply was emphatic. Final. “I’d like you to show me...everything.”

“Oh.”Double oh!She giggled, a burst of golden sunshine spilling through her. She’d laughed twice. In one day! “In that case, come this way and I’ll show you the new range of cars on display—youareafter a new car?”

He nodded, his gaze tearing away from hers to glance over at the rows of shiny vehicles. “One like that,” he said, nodding toward his preference.

“Oh, an SUV. Great choice.”

Even better, the commissions on that model were at the higher end of the scale. Now that she lived in her apartment alone, she could really use the extra cash.

She began to go through all the pros and cons of the SUV. Honesty was the best policy, and key to her sales pitch. She hated subterfuge, unlike Havana who could pitch a lemon to a citrus grower and still make a sale.

“How does a test drive sound?” she asked, acutely aware he hadn’t really taken in too much of her spiel. He seemed more focused on her lips rather than what was coming out of them.

He lifted his eyes to meet hers, and she sucked in a breath at the mesmerizing, orange shade of his gaze. Then he nodded, and his eyes reverted to their dark color. “You can drive it for me. I’ll be a passenger.”

She nodded immediate acquiescence. Despite the fact she might be the world’s worst driver, she couldn’t say no to him. She felt almost compelled to do as he asked, and hopefully make a much needed sale out of it while she was at it.

She hid another, nervous giggle. She wasn’t that desperate for a sale, was she?

Maybe she was just desperate, period.

“Right this way,” she said huskily, already deciding she’d imagined his neon-orange eye color. Either way, she had a feeling her day was about to get a whole lot brighter.

Her mood hadn’t dimmed one bit by time she climbed into the driver’s seat of the SUV and the afro-guy slid into the passenger seat beside her. Damn, what was his name? “I’m Suzy,” she said, her hands fluttering as she clasped her seatbelt and put it on.

“Hi Suzy, I’m Jasper.”

She lifted her eyes to meet his, her breath hitching. His presence seemed to suck up all the oxygen while he seemingly took up the entire front of the vehicle. His energy was incredible. She bit her bottom lip, then said, “It’s lovely to meet you.”

“The feeling is mutual.”

Her pulse surged along with her total awareness of him.

Get it together! You’re not some easily influenced teenager anymore.

Dragging back a little of her rationale, she pushed the start button, making the SUV’s engine throb into life. With her heart in her throat, she activated drive and maneuvered the vehicle between the rows of shiny cars, a distant part of her perceiving Bran and Havana watched her progress with just as much trepidation.

She sagged in her seat when she turned left and finally left the car dealership behind, the traffic on the road thankfully sparse at this late hour of the morning.

“You seem a little tense,” Jasper said conversationally, though his brow was furrowed. “Are you okay?”

She managed a smile. “As crazy as it sounds from a person in my profession, I’m not a very good driver.”

“Well, you’re doing a great job.” He placed his big hand on her thigh, and though a part of her knew it was inappropriate, another part of her just knew it was all kinds of right. He sent her a gorgeous smile. “Just breathe.”

She sucked in a breath, her nerves steadily decreasing. “Wow, it’s actually working.”

He nodded. “Sometimes people get too much in their own head.”

She looked away from the upcoming bridge to glance at him. “It sounds like you’re speaking from experience?”
