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“You know what? It’s really none of your business who I’m dating, is it?” I ask, even though dating is not exactly the term I would use for having Lyla stay with me for round-the-clock explosive sex.

“It is my business when your choices could bring down Isaac’s fury on our family and the whole goddamn MC!”

Just two uses of the word “fuck” and one “goddamn”? He’s not too pissed off. Either that or Lyla’s presence is keeping his mouth in check.

“Isaac knows she’s staying with me. He gave his approval.”

Remy’s brows furrow. “He did?”

“Yes. Call and ask him if you want.”


“So now can we get back to the reason I’m here and you put in that call to Torin Fury?”

“Fine. But you better tell me if and when anything changes with the Devil Hounds, understood?”

“Yeah, of course,” I agree before taking Lyla’s hand and giving her a smile to thank her for enduring all of this.

A few moments later and Remy hits a contact in his phone, then puts the ringing phone on speaker. I keep a hold of Lyla’s hand because she’s been so supportive, and I may not be here doing this if not for my lie to her.

“Remington Fulton,” Torin Fury, the president of the original chapter, answers. “Please tell me you’re not calling to report any trouble with your Kings.”

“There’s no trouble,” Remy assures him. “My brother Barrett is here with his…girlfriend, and we’ve got you on speakerphone.”

“What can I do for you, Barrett?” Torin asks, obviously knowing we wouldn’t call if we didn’t want something from him.

“Well, sir, I have this idea to help Savage Kings and other MCs find prospects while helping veterans find connections.”

“We rarely turn down a military vet prospect,” Torin replies. “Even dishonorably discharged are approved if the rest of their background checks out with our man Reece. We offer reduced prospecting periods for men, and, ah, I guess I should also add women who have served their country.”

“Right. But I think there are so many others that the MC could help, especially right after they come home, and they feel so…” I search for a way to explain it.

“Disconnected from the rest of the world around them?” Torin offers.

“Exactly. You may remember what it was like. Suicide rates have been declining but not enough.”

“So, you want to hook them up with a new family, a place where they feel they belong?”

“Yes. Adding numbers to the ranks will be good for the Kings too, right?”

“We’re always looking to strengthen our numbers.”

“And even if there are clubs that aren’t accepting prospects, nearly every club has connections within the communities. They could help find employment or educational opportunities for soldiers and Marines returning home.”

“Okay, we’re in. What do you need? Money?”

I turn to Lyla in surprise at his easy agreement, but her smile just seems to say, “Told you so.”

“Ah, well, yeah, money would be great. I want to form it as a nonprofit. The club could be in charge of it or whatever you think is best.”

“Here’s what I think,” Torin says. “You set it up and run it. The mother chapter will table it with all the clubs to decide whether or not they want to opt in. The ones that do can take donations, set aside a portion of the dues every month to keep it running. I’ll talk to Dalton, our treasurer, to see how much we can commit to getting it off the ground.”

“Wow, thank you,” I tell him, at a loss for words. “I thought I would be doing good to get a ‘maybe’ or ‘I’ll think about it’ from you today.”

“It’s a good cause. I’m guessing every vet knows someone who took their own life after they came home. If the club can help, then I think we should. It’s the reason my uncle Deacon started the Savage Kings in the first place, to offer a home to service men and reformed or wrongly convicted felons.”

“He sounds like a good man.”

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