Page 188 of Whiskey Poison

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Then he pulls me across the room towards Rodion.



I keep a tight grip on Piper’s hand.

In an ideal world, I’d get her as far away from Rodion and half the people in this godforsaken room as possible. Especially Senator Gracen and his repulsive wife.

My “donation” to his last campaign helped him afford a slew of sexual assault settlements. The moment he passes the legislation he and I worked up together, I’ll toss him to the social justice wolves and let them feast.

But this isn’t an ideal world. I’m the only one I can trust with Piper’s safety, and I don’t want her out of my sight.

Rodion sees us moving towards him, and he squares his shoulders. I know that glint in his eye. It looks like we’re in for a fight.

I snatch a champagne flute off of a passing server’s tray and seamlessly offer it to him as I approach. “Here. A drink for the road.”

“Ah, a warm dismissal,” he says, taking a sip. “I’d prefer a warm welcome, but beggars can’t be choosers.”

“Especially when I should shoot the beggar on sight.”

He holds up a hand in a subtle surrender. “Things got a little tense the last time we spoke. I’m here to rectify that.”

“You chose an inconvenient time. I’m busy.”

He nods. “I thought I might fare better with more witnesses.”

“Everyone in this room knows who I am, whether they admit it publicly or not. I could kill you right now and your death wouldn’t even make a ripple in the morning news. Half the people here would testify they’ve never seen you in their lives. The other half would help me dig the grave.”

Piper’s hand slides more firmly into mine. I’m not sure if she’s trying to rein me in or show her support. Either way, the feel of her skin against mine strokes some deeper part of me that wants nothing more than to protect her.

From Rodion.

From the world.

From every bad thing that might wipe the smile off of her face.

Forget Rodion; I’d torch this entire room if it meant she’d be happy.

“There’s no need for dramatics,” Rodion says coolly. “Just give me five minutes. I want to talk to you alone.”

“You want to be alone with the person who just threatened your life?” Piper asks.

Rodion turns to her. His eyes narrow in on where our hands are intertwined. “This is a shiny glass house you’re living in. I wouldn’t throw stones if I were you.”

“If you want to continue breathing, don’t say another word to her,” I warn.

Rodion averts his eyes quickly and nods. “I’m sorry. I’m not here to—I want to explain, Timofey. Everything. Please.”

I’ve known Rodion a long time, and the man has never struck me as especially sincere. Certainly not contrite.

Right now, he’s both.

I’m not going to be fooled by some little act, but I am intrigued. That alone is reason enough for me to agree.

Another reason is that it will be much easier to kill him in private and then return to the party.

I hold up my other hand, fingers spread wide. “Five minutes. That’s what you get.”
