Page 187 of Whiskey Poison

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“Do you need a drink?” His lips brush the shell of my ear when he leans in to whisper.

I fight off a shiver. “I’m okay. Thanks.”

“Just tell me what you need.” He brushes a strand of hair over my shoulder and smooths it down my back. “I’ll take care of it for you.”

I need some air. I need distance. The closer Timofey and I are, the harder it is to keep my head clear.

But the closer we are, the less I want to pull away from him.

Is this what it would be like to be truly his? He’s attentive and gentle. I feel like the only woman in the universe. It’s intoxicating in a way nothing else ever has been. I don’t want to let this high go.

“All of these people respect you,” I whisper.

He snorts. “I’d fucking hope so. I built most of their careers.”

“You introduced me to a neurosurgeon earlier. Did you build his career?”

“He’s a talent and will be a great surgeon in his own right. But he has the promise of a new research hospital to thank for his residency.”

I gape at him. “Are you talking about the cancer research hospital by the river?”

Timofey takes a smug sip from his champagne glass.

“Timofey! That was like… a huge fucking deal.” I clap a hand over my mouth and look around to make sure no one overheard me. Not only should I know which hospitals my boyfriend has funded, I also need to be a proper lady. Proper ladies don’t swear.

“Most things I do are a huge fucking deal.”

“I remember hearing about it because the ‘anonymous’ donation that paid for it freed up a lot of other funds. Our department was awarded some of the money.”

It was used to buy an air conditioner unit for the temporary overnight room where kids can stay between foster placements, along with an official transport van. The A/C fried itself within six months. The van was broken into and totaled within a year.

“Then you’re very welcome,” he says with a shallow, mocking bow.

“I don’t assume you made that donation from the goodness of your heart.”

He pretends to be offended. “How dare you suggest I am not a Good Samaritan, bettering the world for the sake of it?” I arch a brow, and he smiles mischievously. “Dr. Brainiac comes from a long line of influential people. His daddy is a D.A. I worked up a way for all of us to benefit from our friendship.”

A district attorney, a senator, a brain surgeon, a police officer—Timofey has his own personalGuess Who?board. Is there any spot in this city where Timofey doesn’t have a connection? Is there any place he can’t reach?

“I guess I should feel lucky you only had me thrown in jail for a day and not locked away for life.” I laugh weakly.

But when I look up at Timofey, he isn’t laughing.

He’s staring straight ahead, his expression stony. Whatever warmth I felt a moment ago is gone. A chill moves up my spine as panic sets in.

“I’m sorry,” I blurt quickly. “I didn’t mean—It was a joke and—I know this isn’t the time or place, so I—”

Timofey squeezes my hand and pulls me closer to him. His breath is warm against my temple. “Stay close to me.”


I’m staring up at him, trying to read his expression. But Timofey narrows his eyes towards the door. “Don’t look at me, Piper.”

My face flushes with embarrassment. He caught me staring. He probably thinks I’m as obsessed with him as I really am. But before I can spiral into shame, I catch sight of someone new standing in the doorway.

Timofey wasn’t telling me not to look at him. He was telling me to look around.

“We’ve got company,” he mutters, downing the rest of his drink. “Let’s go greet our uninvited guest.”
