Page 108 of Whiskey Poison

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“To ensure Benjamin has a home here. I did the right thing by him.”

He snorts. “You did the right thing for yourself. Your cock made the decision for you this time, son. The moment you get that bitch in bed, your head will clear. You’ll realize what kind of mess you made. And all for a whore.”

I blink at him. My vision is red and pulsing.

“You are my father. But if you talk about Piper that way again, I’ll kill you.”

My father stares at me. “You choose her over me?”

“I choose myself over you,” I correct. “I am the one who took your motley collection of half-assed side businesses and turned it into a monolith. I am the one who turned this family’s finances around. The Bratva is thriving because of me and my leadership, and I won’t let you stand in my house and question my choices. Especially not when you are benefitting from them.”

His anger cools, but doesn’t dissipate. He’s a volcano rumbling between eruptions. I know more will come, but I head him off.

“You’ve taught me well, Otets. But now, it’s my turn to make the decisions. You need to make your peace with that or we will have problems.”

His nostrils flare as he exhales, his eyes hooded and pinned on me. Finally, he speaks. “I never should have given you a home.”

The words cut straight to my core, but I don’t waver. “It’s too late for that. It’s my house now. But you’re free to go whenever you like.”

Without another word, my father turns and leaves.



The interaction with Sergey hangs over me as I search the house for Piper and Ashley. I expect to find them in Piper’s room, but I don’t hear voices until I make it back to the sitting room off the kitchen.

Ashley is cackling while Piper repeatedly tries to shush her. “It’s late. You’re going to wake everyone up.”

“Who cares?” Ashley asks. “This is your house, isn’t it?”

“No! I just work here. I’m a live-in nanny, not a wife.”

For a brief second, I can see it: Piper lying in bed next to me. Piper under the spray of my shower, her auburn hair dripping wet down her exposed back. Piper clinging to my shoulders as I thrust into her again and—

“There’s the master of the house,” Ashley calls even louder than before. She stands up on the end of the sofa and gestures to me with both arms like a model on a game show. “The fearless fighter himself. Welcome!”

I tuck my dirty thoughts away for later perusal and step into the room. “Someone is still excited.”

“I thought it might just be adrenaline, but maybe not.” Piper glances at her friend dubiously. “It’s been over an hour.”

When I showed up to get Ashley, she was in a blissed-out haze. I didn’t have to worry about her fighting me because she was barely able to stand. Clearly, she’s moved into the next phase of whatever drug she took.

“Have you had any water?” I ask.

“I’m hydrated and ready for anything.” Ashley bounces lightly on the sofa. Her back is arched, and I can tell she wants me to look at her chest.

Great. A junkieandan attention whore. Winning combination.

“You should be ready for bed,” Piper grumbles. “I have to go to the office tomorrow and then come back and take care of a baby.”

“Just go to bed then. I’m sure Timofey and I can keep ourselves busy.”

I have no intention of being alone with Ashley. There will be no point to me saving her tonight if I end up killing her out of sheer annoyance.

I decide not to say that, though.

I want to know what Piper will do.
