Page 107 of Whiskey Poison

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Not that I want Timofey Viktorov to love me. I don’t. I don’t care what he thinks about me.

But if hedidlove me…wouldn’t that be something?

The fantasy carries me away for a second before Ashley brings me crashing back down to earth. “Like I said, I’d love permission to take a running jump at that man and land on his dick. If you don’t mind.”

“No.” The word is out of my mouth before I can stop myself.

Ashley raises her brows. “Oh, really? Are his feelings reciprocated?”

“I can’t reciprocate what doesn’t exist. It’s just that Timofey is…”

“Ridiculously handsome?” she offers. “Even more ridiculously rich? Adorably protective?”

I lean forward and look straight into her eyes. “Dangerous. He’s dangerous. You shouldn’t have anything to do with him.”

Ashley’s lips curl in a smile, and I know I’ve said the entirely wrong thing. When it comes to danger, she’s like a moth to the flame.

And Timofey Viktorov is a bonfire.



The second my father walks into my office, he spins around, red-faced and spitting. “You had no fucking right to pull Rodion off the mission I had him on.”

I knew this would come around to bite me; I just didn’t expect it to be so soon. I never would have left Piper here alone if I suspected Sergey would charge in.

I close the door and step around him. “I had every right. He’s my soldier.”

“He was carrying out a high-risk hit for me,” he argues. “You interrupted and put the entire thing in jeopardy. Just so you can talk to him about Emily’s murder—again. It’s reckless.”

“What was reckless is sending Rodion out to kill your gambling buddy.”

He hesitates for a second. The soldiers are mine to control, but Sergey has kept a hold on a few of them. He uses them for his own purposes from time to time, assuming I have no clue.

Idiot. Nothing happens in this Bratva that I don’t know about.

“Igor is not my ‘buddy,’” he says finally. “The man is a thief and a crook. I warned him not to cross me, and now, he has to pay.”

“He isn’t going to pay with his life. At least, not at the hands of my hitman who is already under scrutiny for Emily’s murder.”

He clenches his fists until his hands tremble. “You didn’t even talk to me before pulling him from the job. I had to find out from a lieutenant.”

“The last time I wanted to talk about Emily’s case, it took thirty-six hours to even get you here. Then you defended Rodion. Now, you bust down my door the second I talk to Rodion about it. It all makes me wonder if you have a good reason for wanting me to let go of what happened to her.”

“Are you questioning me?” he growls.

“Tit for tat. You’ve done nothing but question me for days.”

“Since that girl came along,” he says, flinging his arm towards the door, “your head has been up your ass. There’s suddenly a beautiful woman around and you’re ready to throw away everything I built.”

“I’m not throwing anything away. Certainly not for Piper. This has nothing to do with her.”

“It has everything to do with her!” Sergey bellows. “Rodion showed her his tattoos and she figured out he’s killed a few people, so you’re ready to get him charged with Emily’s murder. It’s lunacy. Sheer fucking lunacy.”

I grit my teeth together until my jaw aches. “Rodion flaunted his crimes in front of a woman who works for the state.”

“A womanyoubrought here! The only reason their paths crossed is because you planted her in this house.”

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