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"Go shower," Maverick's voice is stern, and he's pumping much slower in and out of Summer, just enough to keep her pains at bay while we're talking. "And leave your clothes outside," he adds as an afterthought. She doesn't have an in-unit washer and dryer so it's not a bad suggestion. But it makes me sad to see her face shoved into Mav's shirt, and I won't have anything to add to her nest.

I strip down as quick as I can and open her door to toss my clothes outside. I'm in the shower a few second later, not even waiting for it to heat up. I just want to erase any lingering odor Amanda left behind. Part of me wishes I'd never even gone out, but I know I would have been climbing the walls thinking about how little food she had in this place if I had stayed.

After I've washed my entire body three times with Summer's soap, I think I may be safe to get out. So I wash one more time, just to be sure. With a turn of the knob, I shut the water off and listen intently to sounds coming from outside the bathroom. But it seems quiet. She must have nodded off again. Finally dry, I hang the towel up over the shower rod and step out of the bathroom naked. There isn't anything for me to put back on, and Mav's already seen me naked more times than I can count, so I don't feel any embarrassment when I walk into her living and bedroom space.

Sure enough, she's curled up in a small ball, blankets surrounding her in a very deliberate way, and Mav is leaned up against the wall at the head of the bed, panting slightly. He didn't knot her this time, so I'm surprised she fell asleep so easily.

"I think it was just a small surge. She woke up almost as soon as you left," he whispers, having read the question in my eyes. I nod, heading to the kitchen to start putting up the groceries. I try to make as little noise as possible so she can get the sleep she needs before her next wave hits.

"So Amanda accosted you?" His tone this time isn't as accusatory, but I'm still more than a little peeved he just jumped to the worst-case scenario.

"Now you care?" I grumble, keeping the chocolate on the counter in case she has a sweet tooth.

"I cared before, but what did you expect when you came in mid-heat smelling like someone who isn't your mate? Emotions run hot." His excuse is flimsy and his earlier ire all but gone.

"How would you know? It's not like you've been through a heat before, either," I fire back, getting to the last bag and then walking around to throw myself down on the large loveseat—or maybe it's a small couch—she's got just in front of her bed. I don't want to disturb her nest and make her even more upset than I already have. Even if I didn't do anything wrong, I still feel like a piece of shit.

He ignores my jibe and asks again. "Amanda accosted you?"

With a huff, I turn to him and nod. "Half in the bottle, too. She saw me on the street, walking back with the groceries, and threw herself at me. I couldn't even get her off the way I wanted to with my arms so full."

"You always knew she was crazy," he says like that's any excuse. The sneaky bitch knows I have a mate now. Even if she was a little bit dramatic, or a semi-stalker, everyone knows a fated mate is the real deal.

"I'm calling Renee when Summer's heat breaks for a restraining order." Mav raises his eyebrows at me. Renee is our pack lawyer and a fucking powerhouse. Not that I need to go full throttle just yet; all I'm getting worked up is the restraining order. But if it's not enough to keep Amanda away from me, I know Renee can handle it from there.

"Couldn't hurt, I guess." As gently as he can without jostling Summer, Mav shuffles down until he's flat on his back. One arm rests below his head like a pillow, the other drapes across his stomach, and he shuts his eyes. Following his lead, I figure we should sleep while she does, and I get as comfortable as I can on the loveseat. My body is significantly bigger than it though, so I end up scooting down until my entire torso is flat. But that leaves one leg draped off the side and the other hanging off the arm of it by the back of my knee. I throw one arm over my eyes and count backwards while I clear my mind as best I can. Images flash behind my lids in a torturous rendition of the evening. Summer sobbing into her blankets, Amanda touching me without my consent, Mav's disappointed face. After what feels like an eternity, I drift off.

* * *

A soft swishing noise jerks me from a fitful sleep. My eyes are only open long enough to register the faint glow shining in through the window, the beginnings of sunrise, before Summer throws herself in my lap. I latch on to her hips to stop her from tumbling off the loveseat. "Wha—" I don't even get the word out before she sinks her dripping pussy onto my cock. It's been hard since I got back from the store thanks to her tantalizing scent clinging to every inch of this place.

She may be soaked, her slick already coating her thighs, but she still holds me in a grip that steals my breath. Dainty hands land on my chest, and she uses it as leverage to ride me with the zeal of a bunny on speed.

Fuck. I'm going to come already. With my grip on her hips, I try to slow her furious bouncing. "Easy, love. You're going to kill me," my voice is raw and hoarse with desire.

She growls at me as I hold her hips in place and thrust up into her much slower. After a second of this, she already loses her patience and slaps my hands away. She's moving fast and hard again, swiveling her hips and taking every ounce of pleasure she can get. With her head thrown back in blinding passion, her perfume edging me dangerously close to a rut, and the ironclad grip on my dick, my balls draw up in no time. I grunt as my first release hits me the same time hers does, jets of cum shooting into her, but I don't knot her yet.

As soon as I feel the last bit of pulsing stop from her, she starts moving again. Thanks to my alpha biology, I'm still hard as fuck and ready for her next round. But I can tell her body is a little tired because as fast as she's trying to go, her brows furrow and frustration pours off her. Little whines leave her lips that I can't fucking stand, so I grab onto her ass and stand in one swift motion. I walk around the loveseat to the bed and deposit her gently onto it, still inside her.

I reach over and smack Maverick in the face. How he managed to sleep through the grunting, moaning, and pheromones pouring from us, I'll never know. With bleary eyes, he jerks awake, and his eyes immediately shoot to where I'm buried inside her. Heat pools in his gaze, but I turn away from him to settle more comfortably between Summer's thighs.

When she sees Maverick moving to her right, she turns her head and licks her lips. He's standing at attention, ready for whatever she needs. I almost feel sorry for how red and angry his dick is. It's edging toward purple he's so turned on right now, not that he'll be kept waiting long with how horny she woke up.

I pull her legs toward me to settle her closer and start pumping into her again. She purrs her approval, sparing me a glance, but then locks eyes on Mav's dick again. Her hand shoots out, and she grabs it, pulling it toward her mouth like it's a leash. I wince, it definitely wasn't a light tug. But the crazy bastard grits his teeth, a vein pops out in his neck, and a spurt of cum coats Summer's hand. Mav's tastes have always ran a little more masochistic than mine. That's why him and Mason work so well together. As an alpha, Mav likes to dominate, sure, but he also likes a bite of pain, which suits Mason's darker needs perfectly. Which nobody would know just to look at the guy. He's all bubbly and energetic in the streets, controlling and bondage in the sheets.

Summer has licked Mav's cum from her hand by the time I focus on them again, before she leans in and takes him in to the hilt in one move. My hips jerk forward at the sight, and tiny after-flutters pulse around me. Taking that as my hint, I lift her right leg over my shoulder to hit a deeper angle and pound into her hard and fast. She moans through another orgasm, the vibrations making Mav shout, and I can feel the tingles start to spread through me again. Determined to make her come two more times before I do, I lean forward and start rubbing her clit. Mav takes the hint and reaches down to pluck at her nipples. With so much stimulation, she comes again, and I push hard through it, determined to not stop my pace.

I jerk my head at Mav when she comes down, and he pulls out of her. The whine is almost instant, and despite the raging lust coursing through me, I can't hold back the small laugh. Even knowing she may feel a little sting of pain while we move positions, I can't help but marvel at how amorous she is during her heat. I don't have anything to compare it to, but she's absolutely insatiable.

I twist so I'm leaning up against the wall at the top of the bed, with Summer riding me again. The cool temperature of the wall feels nice against my heated skin. Mav moves back over, stands on the bed so she doesn't have to bend over, and sinks back into her waiting mouth.

With her on top of me, and us chest to chest, I can finally lean into the temptation to bury my face into her neck. The near overpowering urgency I feel to bite down on the junction between her neck and shoulders, right where a claiming mark goes, is going to be the death of me. Honey pushes forward over the nutmeg in an enticing seduction. I lick the spot, showing it attention like I would right before I'd sink my teeth in.

"Hudson..." Mav grunts out in warning. His hand is curled into Summer's hair, holding her head in place as he pistons in and out of her, but his hips stutter when he sees where my mouth is. The bastard. As if I'd bite her without talking to her first. But fuck, do I want to. Still, I suck hard enough to leave a big hickey. If I can't have a true claiming mark there, then I'll put a temporary one on her so the world still understands she's mine. Then I'll add a fresh one when this one starts to fade until she figures out who's hearts she holds and lets us in for real.

Giving in, just a little more, because I'm a selfish prick, I graze my teeth against her skin, biting enough for her to feel it, but not to break the skin. As my teeth touch her, she pulls off Mav in time to scream my name through the most intense orgasm yet. I buck through it, pushing in one last time with strength I didn't know I possessed, ramming my knot in her and emptying myself there. Mav strokes his hand up and down his shaft a few times before he comes, a string of white coating Summer's chest, dripping down her breasts. She doesn't seem to mind.

"Bite," she groans, grabbing the back of my head and shoving it back in her neck. "Bite!" she whines when I don't move.

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