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As she spoke, her gaze shifted away from his, like her sentiments wouldn’t stand up to inspection.

“You really think that little of me?”

Confusion rippled onto her face. “I told you how much I respect you.”

“Then how could you think I would ever be that superficial?”

“I don’t.” She blinked rapidly, her eyes glistening. She pushed up onto her elbows until she was sitting and swung her legs off the bed to face him. Looking up, she said, “I know you’re the kind of guy who would sacrifice. You would ignore your true feelings and be with me because you think that’s what I need. When I was fourteen, I would’ve given anything for you to eat lunch with me. But I don’t want to be your Stanley Moorhead anymore.”

“I have no desire to kiss Stanley Moorhead.”

Her breath hitched, blood rushing to her face. “I didn’t say anything about kissing.”

Liam lowered his lips to her ear. “But I did.” His whisper sent a visible shudder through her, an effect so satisfying he found himself sporting a broad grin. “My body responds to you, Carly, because it likes what it sees on the insideandthe outside. Believe me, it has nothing to do with sacrifice.”

He feathered his lips upward and planted kisses on her eyelids. “You are so beautiful to me, Carly Simpson.”

“But how can you know for sure?” Her hand landed on his chest and wedged him away.

“Do you feel this?” He slid her palm downward until it rested over his rapidly thrumming heart. “This is what you do to me, Carly. I can’t fake that.”

Her lips made a soundlessO,her eyelids drooping. Her hand tugged his fingers to the side of her neck, where he found a pulse beating as madly as his own.

“You remember what you said earlier?” Her chin trembled. “Aboutno stringsattached?”

“Yes, and I meant it.” He bent down and kissed the pulse of her neck, relishing the softness of her skin on his lips and the sound of her rapid breaths. “The offer still stands. I’ll do anything to make you feel comfortable if you’re willing to give us a chance. A real relationship, with everything on the table.”

Her hands cupped his face, lifting it until she caught his gaze with clear gray eyes that shimmered with unshed tears.

“I have to be honest... If we do this, I may want a few strings.”

Joy leapt inside him.

“Me too!” He caressed her lips, sweet as honey. Her fervent response sent his heart cartwheeling against his ribs.

She jerked back, turning her head away. “But you might change your mind. What if you’re disappointed? Or what if I make you mad again?”

With his fingers on the edge of her jaw, he pressed her face in his direction, only to see the flicker of fear in her eyes. All at once, he understood. One by one, her family had left her. First, her mother; then, her brother. Even her father had gone, his spirit fading away. No wonder she’d thrown herself in front of his car... she couldn’t bear to be abandoned again.

He dropped his head until their foreheads touched. “I won’t leave you, Carly, no matter what happens. I won’t drive away, and I won’t pull away. If there’s a problem, I’m willing to stay and fight until we fix it. But we’re both going to make mistakes. So no pedestals allowed, okay? My only fear is that I won’t be enough for you.”

“How could you not be enough when you’re all I ever wanted?” The adoration in her gaze swelled his chest until it threatened to burst.

“I always knew something was missing in my life. And that something was you.” He cradled her cheeks in his hands, tilting her face up to worship her lips. “But you’re way more than I’ll ever deserve.”

Breathless, she whispered, “Maybe we should have a lot of strings...”

“Good idea.” He kissed her again, fire shooting through his veins. “Better yet, let’s have steel cables. Because I’m never going to let you go.”

In her eyes, the last traces of fear dissolved, replaced with raw hope and tender trust.

She slid to her feet and into his arms... where she belonged.


May - seven months later

Branson let out a slow breath as he counted to ten in his head, hoping to slow his racing heart. “Why did you make me come?” he muttered. “You know I get panic attacks in public places.”

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