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“The very first night she insisted you would hate her if you knew her identity. I assume that is now the case.”

Liam’s hackles raised. “Hate is a very strong word, Fordham, and makes me sound like the aggressor. I’m angry because she faked way more than her identity.”

“Did she?”

He didn’t have time to stand there and argue. “I’m leaving now, Fordham.” He took another swig of his drink. “We can discuss this tomorrow. And maybe I’ll give you a chance to defend your own part in this fiasco.”

“Very well.” Fordham’s stiff neck told him the man intended to win any such debate.

Liam took the keys and rolled out to his car. He put his bag in the back and keyed the remote to launch the transfer platform. He had just rolled on and locked his chair into place when Carly appeared beside him.

“What are you doing?” Her voice was high and frantic. But who knew if it was genuine?

“I’m leaving for the night. I’m not coming back until after you leave.” He lifted the bottle for another drink and noticed his hand trembling. As the platform lifted and retracted back into the car, the trembling spread to both hands. Exhaustion or emotions or a combination of both overwhelmed him so that he could barely think.

He didn’t really feel like driving all the way into town to stay at a hotel that, undoubtedly, would be ill-equipped for him. If not for his injured pride, he might’ve abandoned his quest and returned to his apartment in Bran’s estate. He could’ve secluded himself inside his room with music blaring in his ears until the next day, after Carly had left.

Now, I can’t stay here. Giving in would make me look weak.

“Don’t do this, Liam. Come back inside and let me explain.” Her face was white, draped in sheer panic.

“The time to explain has passed.” He shut the door and lifted his bottle in a salute, raising his voice to be heard through the window. “Goodbye, Carly. Have a good life.”

After one last swallow of kombucha, he stowed the bottle in a holder, needing both hands to drive. He started the car, ignoring Carly’s desperate pleas as she banged on his side window.

“Please don’t, Liam. Please!”

She was certainly making this difficult. He eased forward gradually to avoid knocking her over. Maybe he didn’t hate her as much as he thought he did.

“Get out of the way, Carly!” he yelled, glaring out his window, hoping his scowl would scare her away. But she wasn’t there. She must’ve finally given up. He checked his side-view mirror, but she was nowhere to be seen.

Suddenly he heard her voice screaming, “Stop! Stop!” in front of the car. He looked up and saw her wide-eyed face framed by hysterically waving arms. He slammed on the brakes, adrenaline surging through him. A sickeningthunkreached his ears before she dropped out of sight.



Carly blinked at the bright lights as she forced her eyes open. White surrounded her... walls, ceilings, bedsheets.

Is this Heaven?

A steady ache swelled at the back of her head.

Definitely not Heaven. Hopefully not the other place.

“Carly! You’re awake!”

She turned toward the deep voice of the man who sounded so happy that she’d woken up. Enchanting green eyes stared down at her, the eyebrows above knitted with concern. She knew that face! Liam Bennett!

“I’m dreaming,” she croaked through her parched throat.

“How do you feel? Are you hurting anywhere?” asked Dream Liam.

What a weird question. Though come to think of it, the fronts of her thighs were sore, and her elbows smarted. But nothing hurt as much as her head.

A thought occurred.If Liam is standing here talking to me in my dream, maybe my brother is here, too.


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