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Yet he’d caught her looking at him with a heated gaze. Had that been his imagination? Or the way she’d blushed afterward?

Liam stopped the snowmobile in a clearing near a frozen stream, the sun’s rays breaking through the scattered trees to warm them.

“This is beautiful.” Carly’s tone was almost reverent. “Thanks for bringing me out here.”

“I love riding,” he said. “Love the rush.”

“It’s pretty fun. I’m usually not much of a daredevil. It’s fun with you, though.”

“I probably wouldn’t have pushed myself to do all these outdoor sports if it weren’t for my sister.” Liam propped his helmet on the handlebars and stretched his tight back muscles, leaning from side to side. “Kiera told me if I gave up doing what I loved, I would lose myself.”

“Sounds like you were lucky to have a sister like that.” He didn’t miss the tremor in her voice.

“What about you and your brother? Are you close?” He turned to look over his shoulder.

The moment he asked, he wished he could take it back. Her eyes glistened as she stared at the helmet in her hands. “We were. A long time ago.”

“I’m sorry you aren’t close anymore. I certainly understand family problems.” Liam handed her a water bottle and quickly changed the subject. “You should drink. It’s easy to get dehydrated.”

“Thanks.” She took a swallow and replaced the cap. “I want you to know I think you’re amazing, Liam. And—”

“Ugh… you can stop right there.” Dread thickened his tongue. He could tell what was coming next. He’d heard that introductory phrase before. Carly was about to reject him, like every other woman had. Just when he thought he’d finally found someone who could see beyond his disability. Why had he gotten his hopes up? And why did it hurt so much worse than all the other times? “Don’t say another word.”

I have to accept the truth. I’m never going to meet a woman who sees me as a whole man. Never.

“What’s wrong?”

“I’ll tell you what’s wrong.” Bitterness seeped into his words. He faced forward, not wanting to see her expression. “When a woman tells me she admires me, it’s means she thinks I’m amazingdespitemy disability. It’s an insult. Would it be amazing that I took you on a snowmobile if my legs weren’t paralyzed?”

“Liam, that’s not what I meant.”

Her desperate tone didn’t faze him. He was angry with himself for opening up to her. If he’d kept his emotions in check, she wouldn’t have been able to hurt him. Instead, he’d let his guard down, and her few careless words had sliced deep into his soul.

“Really, Carly?” He should have protected his heart. Recognized his hopes for what they actually were—impossible dreams. In what world would a woman as amazing as Carly want to saddle herself with a man like him? “Then tell me what you meant.”

“I was trying to tell you I admire your attitude. That you always look at your blessings instead of what you had to give up. Is that so bad?”

“Exactly. You’re saying you feel sorry for me because I couldn’t be a normal guy.” His hands curled into tight fists, as he battled to tamp down his emotions.

I’m such a fool!

“You’re putting words in my mouth.” Her finger poked into his back, punctuating each syllable.

“It’s okay, Carly.” He spoke between tightly clenched teeth. “I know you’re trying to let me down easy. This isn’t my first rodeo.”

“Hmph!” She grunted, raising her voice. “Then I guess some bronco bucked you off onto your head, because you’re acting like an idiot! I wasn’t trying to let you down, and I don’t feel sorry for you!”

His fury wavered.Was it possible he’d jumped to conclusions?

“If you don’t feel sorry for me, what do you feel?”

He skirted around the question he really wanted to ask.Could you ever see me as more than a friend?

“I admire your positive attitude,” she said. “Is that objectionable?”

He ventured a glance over his shoulder. Her fervent expression tugged at him, and his biting anger subsided, a familiar dull emptiness in its place. It wasn’t her fault she couldn’t give him what he needed.

“I guess that’s okay.” His words echoed in the familiar emptiness of his chest. “Except you’re still holding me to a different standard. I’m not any more positive than anyone else is.”

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