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At Bran’s knowing smile, she bristled. “That’s not what I meant.”

“Consider this.” Bran slowed to a comfortable running pace that would’ve put Carly in the hospital. “Every day of his life Liam faces a reminder of what happened, yet look what he’s done.”

“You’re saying he’s put it behind him?”

“If you put your past behind you, there’s always a danger it will come back and bite you in the rear end.” Bran chuckled. “Liam has climbed out from under the weight of his past and built on top of it. He’s used it as a foundation to make himself a better person.”

Carly turned to observe Liam, his handsome face creased with concentration, his body sweating with exertion. “Maybe you’re right. Maybe I’m the one who wouldn’t be able to handle being around Liam, instead of vice versa.”

“But now you may be underestimating yourself,” Bran said. “You seem pretty resilient to me.”

That’s because I’m about as fake as this hair on my head.



Liam had to tamp down a surge of jealousy as he watched Carly and Bran’s tête-à-tête. He knew Bran wasn’t the type who would step in when Liam was attracted to Carly, but he couldn’t help wondering if Bran had somehow broken through the walls Liam had found to be so impervious.

A few minutes later, Carly left for her room with the declaration that she could find her own way. Liam rather preferred being her personal guide, but at least it gave him the opportunity to question Bran. He disconnected the stimulator pads and transferred to his chair. Then he grabbed a fifty-pound barbell and rolled his chair beside Bran’s treadmill.

“What were you two so intent on over here?” Liam asked as he started a set of biceps curls.

Bran’s hesitation spoke volumes. “We discussed dealing with the past.”

“Which means she told you about her past?”

“I know a little.” Bran’s answer was evasive.

“Well, you’re one up on me.” Liam switched the dumbbell to his left arm. “She won’t tell me anything about her past. Nothing personal at all. Why does she trust you and not me?”

“I think she trusts you,” Bran said, without altering his stride. “She just doesn’t trust herself.”

“Whatever that means.” Liam set the dumbbell in his lap and shook out his arms. “I’d like to get to know her better... to get closer to her. But I feel like I’m just spinning my wheels. Literally. Maybe I’m trying to force a square peg into a round hole. Maybe you’re more her type than I am, and that’s why she talks to you.”

“Listen.” Bran pressed the down arrow on his controls and slowed to a walk. “If that’s the deal, her type is sixty-eight-year-old men.”


“I got my information from Fordham. He’s the one who got her to talk.”

“Fordham? How did he manage that?”

“Maybe he’s like a father-figure. I don’t know,” said Bran. “The point is she’s not interested in me. I’m sure of it.”

“But is she interested in me?”

“I can’t answer that.” Bran raised the incline on the treadmill and increased the speed to a brisk walk. “But she did come to your defense a couple of times for some imaginary insults. I’d say that shows she cares. And that caring might translate to interest.”

Spirits rising, Liam started another set of curls. “As long as I’m not dead in the water, I can go with it.”

“I’ll warn you, though,” Bran said, upping his speed yet again. “The biggest hurdle you have to face is her confounded logic.”

Liam shifted the barbell over his head for some triceps extensions. “But that’s how it always is with women, right? I’ve never understood how their minds work.”

“If you did, you could make billions.”

* * *

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