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To his delight, roses bloomed on her cheeks. “Actually, I’ve always wished they were blue instead of gray.”

“Your color is even better. They make you special. I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone with eyes like yours.”

“You probably have.” The corners of her mouth kicked up. “One percent of the world’s population has gray eyes.”

“I bet those other people don’t have white stars in their eyes.”

“Thanks, I guess.” She grinned, scrunching her shoulders. “I’ve always liked your green eyes.”

“Always?” Liam chuckled. “You mean, since today?”

“I mean... uhm... I’ve always liked green eyes.” The door swung open as she gestured with her hands, revealing a green T-shirt and camouflage pajama bottoms so cavernous he wondered how she kept them on. “And yours are green, right? Therefore... I’ve always liked your green eyes.”

“You’re so funny.”He laughed again. “And I like your pjs.”

“Thanks.” She smoothed her hand down her pants leg. “They were my brother’s.”

“Oh, you have siblings?”

“Uhm... Just one brother.”

“Me, too. I have an older sister. Is your brother older or younger?”

Her face paled. Maybe she came from a broken home.

“You don’t have to answer,” Liam hurried to put her at ease. “It’s none of my business.”

Her bare toes curled, almost hiding the pink-painted nails. “I don’t talk about my family much.”

His mind raced for a way to change the subject. “What did you think of Bran?”

“He was okay, I guess. Not too grouchy.”

“He told me to tell you he’s located some avocados. If you’ll give him a list of all the other ingredients you need for your guacamole, he’ll have them ready for you by noon tomorrow.”

“Noon?” Her teeth chewed on her deliciously plump lower lip, and his eyes were captivated. “I’ll probably be gone by noon. But maybe I can make it in the morning and you guys can have some for lunch.”

“I’m afraid you may be stuck here for a while until they get Bran’s private road plowed.”

Her eyes rounded like full moons. “How long isa while?”

“Just a day or two.”

“A day or two!” She shook her head. “I can’t stay here that long.”

“Why not? Your fall tour has already been spoiled by the snowstorm. At least if you’re here, I can keep you entertained before the conference starts.”


Why does she look terrified?

“I thought you wouldn’t want to waste your vacation, so I was going to ask you if you wanted to do something fun with me.”

“It might be best if you didn’t ask me.”

“I’ll ask you, but feel free to say no.”

Her eyes narrowed. “Have you been talking to my roommate?”

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