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“Carly! Why does everything have to be such an extreme with you? Even if he felt guilty, you could help him work through it. In fact, you could probably both help each other deal with the past. Do you really think it’s a coincidence that you ran into each other two days before the anniversary of the accident, and now you’re staying in the same house? It must all be part of God’s plan. It’s your destiny!”

“If we’re destined to be together, why didn’t God help me not act like a complete idiot on the plane?”

“It hasn’t bothered Liam so far.” Nora seemed unconcerned, even though Carly had admitted all her embarrassing blunders. “Could be that he prefers goofy, absent-minded-professor type women. Maybe it’s a good thing he met the real you.”

Carly’s spirit began to bubble with anticipation. Was it truly possible everything would turn out great, for once?

Then she remembered. “What are we thinking? He doesn’t know the real me. He doesn’t realize my hair is ninety-nine percent fake.”

“Carly...” Nora resorted to a warning growl. “Don’t do it.”

“Don’t do what?”

“What you always do... don’t sabotage this relationship by shocking him.”

“My baldness is reality. I can’t help it if a guy is surprised.”

“Surprised? Are you serious? Yousurprisea guy when you explain your history of dealing with alopecia. Ripping off your wig in a coffee shop isshocking.”

Carly jutted her jaw forward. “Perry was kind of... soft.”

“Exactly!” Nora huffed. “You keep saying guys don’t like you because you lost your hair. But Perry didn’t reject you. You scared him away. On purpose. And you’ve done something similar to at least three other guys.”

“They would’ve rejected me, eventually. All I did was speed up the process.”

“I don’t care how you chase off a guy if you don’t like him,” Nora said. “But for you to have a chance with Liam, you have to take a risk. Spend some time with him and see where it goes. Maybe it will work; maybe it won’t.”

“Okay, I’ll try.”

“You’re giving in without a fight? Why do I not believe you?”

“Because you’re a jaded woman who doesn’t trust easily?”

“Nice try, pot. But this kettle isn’t buying it.” Nora chuckled. “Promise me right now that you won’t say no to a single opportunity to spend time with Liam while you’re there. On penalty of a month with no books or TV.”

“No books? That’s like torture.”

She felt sick at the mere possibility.

“You’re the one who claimed you were going to try. Do we have a deal?”

“All I have to do is accept every invitation? I don’t have to initiate anything?”

“That puts all the pressure on Liam. If he’s not interested, you’re free and clear. But no funny business. I’m going to ask, and I’ll know if you’re lying. No one is worse at prevarication than you, my friend.”

“Alright... I promise.”

This will be a breeze. Nora doesn’t know I’m leaving in the morning.



Liam knocked on Carly’s door. He knew it was futile, asking her if she wanted to work out in the morning with Bran and him, but it gave him an excuse to talk to her.

She opened the door a few inches. “Hi. Sorry I deserted you guys.”

“No problem.” Even through a small crack, she was breathtaking. He had to say something. “I’m sure you’ve heard this a million times, but your eyes are beautiful.”

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