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“I will persuade Branson to keep your secret, at least for the moment. He won’t wish to make a scene.” Fordham rose to his feet as smoothly as if he were in his twenties.

“Thank you so much.” Carly stood, so grateful to have Fordham on her side that she had to restrain herself from hugging him.

Fordham strode to the door but stopped with his hand on the knob. “However, I can’t guarantee how long that will last. I would suggest you reveal the truth to Liam before Bran feels compelled to do it himself.”

“Can’t you talk him out of it?” Carly gnawed on the inside of her lower lip. “Tell him I’ll do anything. Offer him my firstborn.”

“He currently claims he will never have children.” Fordham leaned against the door, his expression clearly displaying his disapproval.

What could she offer a man who had everything money could buy? “I have a recipe for chocolate fudge pie that’s out of this world. Would that win him over?”

“Branson refuses to poison his body with sugary foods.” Fordham used a mocking tone.

“Ewww! What a terrible way to live!”

“I couldn’t agree more.”

“What can I do to convince him?”

“He does have a weakness for Mexican food.”

Hope sprouted in her soul. After all this, she could still be safe. “I make a mean homemade guacamole!”

Fordham smiled. “For that, he might take your secret to his grave.”



“Are you cold or nervous?” Liam asked.

“Nervous, I guess.” Carly walked with her arms wrapped tightly around her own torso as they made their way toward Bran’s private residence area.

For once, Liam wished he’d had his powered chair so his hand would be free to hold Carly’s instead of propelling his chair forward. “But why? I told you Bran is a super nice guy.”

“Maybe because I’m inside an estate the size of Rhode Island.” Carly shivered. “I feel out of place. I’m not used to luxury or opulence. In fact, our flight from Houston was the only time I’ve ever ridden in first class, and it’ll probably never happen again.”

“Did you enjoy it?”

“Some parts were really nice.” Her cheeks turned a flattering shade of pink. He hoped he was one of those parts.

“Personally, I thought it was one of the best flights I’ve ever had.”

“Seriously?” Her mouth went slack. “That turbulence almost made me lose my dinner.”

They rounded the corner and entered the residence hallway

“But the company more than made up for it.” He caught her wide-eyed gaze and held it, noting the rosy color spreading down to her neck. Surely she felt the same attraction he did. She couldn’t fake that, could she? “I feel like you and I made a connection, and that sort of thing is too precious to throw away. I’m glad fate gave us another chance.”

She jerked her eyes away and aimed her gaze at the marble floor, her shiny red hair falling forward to shield her face. “You see this freak blizzard as a good thing, huh? You’re a very optimistic person.”

Clever how she avoided addressing her opinion about their connection. When her walls were up, she was impervious. He would have to watch for those rare opportunities when her genuine emotions seemed to slip through.

“Are you a pessimist?”

“More of a realist.” She turned her head toward him, her lips curved up on one side. “While the optimist and the pessimist are arguing about whether the glass is half full or half empty, I drink the water.”

“That’s an opportunist.”

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