Page 60 of Savage Bond

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“What are you looking at?”

Coltrane’s question stole my focus away from Fane, and I turned to her as she inspected me with a furrowed brow.

“Nothing,” I lied. “I was just thinking.”

“Captain?” Dexter, Coltrane’s assistant, poked his head into the room, the nasty scar from a sub-demon on his forehead catching the fading light from the window. “Your five o’clock is here.”

Her lips thinned at the interruption. “Thank you. I’ll be out in just a moment.”

I was surprised she didn’t tell Dexter to cancel the meeting.

She crossed her arms and stared for another extended moment. “We’ll talk after your examination, Tate.”

“Sure.” My tight smile would crack if I held it for much longer.

Once she left the room and closed the door behind her, Fane shoved me forward. “Get out of here now!” he hissed. “Go to Logan’s.”

I jumped off the table, bolted to the door, and turned the knob.

Fragments of sharp ice ripped my insides apart. “It’s locked.” Why the hell would she lock it?

“Break it down.”

I scoffed. “I’m pretty sure that would cause a scene, and I’d never get out of here.” I spun and scurried toward the window, opening it. Chilly air rushed over my face, tossing my hair back as I peered over the ledge below.

“You can make that jump.” Fane leaned around my shoulder to gage the distance to the ground. “Easily.”

Kourtney and Tasha strolled by and stopped directly below to talk.Shit. “I’ll have to get to another window and sneak out.”

Fane cursed, and then his presence vanished.

Loneliness crept over me, and knots fisted in my chest. I’d wanted Fane to stay with me while I left everything good I ever had behind.

Just fuck my life.

I crawled out the window, my boots finding the ledge as I spun, putting my front to the building. Hopefully, Kourtney or Tasha didn’t look up for the next few minutes. The rough bricks snagged my shirt as I scuttled along the small ridge, praying the room next door was unoccupied and the window unlocked.

My fingers trembled as I wedged them under the window, a breath of relief fogging the glass when it slid up. I silently slithered inside as my heart hammered against my ribs, determined to bust through the blockades. Every drop of moisture had evaporated from my mouth, turning my tongue into sandpaper.

I opened the door, peered into the deserted hallway, and bolted. All I had to do was get to my room, grab some stuff, and jump out the window. Simple. Coltrane was in a meeting in her office, and the witch was running late. It would still be a few minutes before anyone noticed my empty exam room. And they wouldn’t immediately assume anything was amiss other than I didn’t like being locked in a room.

Why the hell had Coltrane locked me in? Did she already suspect I was lying?

Bright pink flashed in the hall as Roxie stood in my path, making my boots screech on the hardwoods.

“Where are you going in such a rush?” She twirled her long ponytail around her fingers as she scrutinized my appearance.

I covertly wiped away a dribble of sweat before it ran down my temple. “Uh, nowhere.” For shit’s sake, I did not have time to deal with her two-faced ass right now.

A saccharine smile pulled at her lips. “I’m so glad you’re back.”

How had I not seen through her bullshit before? She laid on the charm so thick it could choke me. Had I been so preoccupied with Hawk and my desire to repent that I’d totally missed the hatred oozing off her?

Roxie giggled. “Earth to Tate. Is anyone home?” Her mesh crop top moved as she planted her hands on her hips.

That was definitely my shirt. She had the balls to steal my clothes and parade them right in front of me.

“Cut the shit, Roxie,” I snapped, unable to control the fury building inside. “You were only friends with me to get close to Hawk. Stop pretending otherwise.”

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