Page 54 of Savage Bond

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I peered over Fane’s shoulder as Roxie scowled in my direction. Obviously, she couldn’t see the demon shifter currently groping me.

“Uh, nothing.”

Fane licked the tattoo on my neck, making me shudder. “I’ll see you soon, Teague.” He vanished, his wicked laughter trailing behind him.


I peeled myself from the trunk, ignoring her confusion. “Where’s Hawk?”

“He had to take a bathroom break.” She jerked her thumb over her shoulder. “He’s over there.”

I was surprised she didn’t follow him considering she’d been stuck up his ass since I returned. “I don’t see anything here. Let’s—”

A cold chill prickled my nape, and I twisted around to peer through the darkness. Tiny hairs that had fallen out of my ponytail drifted around my face, and leaves on the oak trees gently swayed.

“Why are you just standing there?” Roxie’s annoyed voice carried to my ears. “Let’s get a move on.”

She didn’t sense the change in the atmosphere. She also didn’t hear the faint buzzing in the air.

“Well, if you’re not coming then—”

“Shut up!” I drew my weapon out of my pocket, slid my thumb over the rune to activate the blade, and transformed it into a sword. Roxie also couldn’t see the swarm of giant dragonfly sub-demons in the distance headed our way.

Leaves crunched as Hawk approached, and he tensed when he noticed my fighting stance. “What’s going on?”

“Drago demons!” I hissed. A group must have exited the Underworld together.

Hawk readied his sword. “I don’t see anything.”

“Me neither,” Roxie mumbled. “I think she’s losing it.”

I waved my hand for them to hurry. “Get ready.”

“Grab your weapon, Rox,” Hawk demanded. “If Tate sees something, I believe her.”

She rolled her eyes but took her sword out just as a gust of wind whipped through the cemetery, tossing leaves and Spanish moss around. Gasps burst out of Hawk and Roxie once they finally saw the swarm.

“Now!” I dashed into the chaos of gossamer wings and blue, scaly bodies, adrenaline pumping through my veins. My sword cut down two dragos in one fell swoop, dodging their serrated tails that could slice me to bits.

Hawk cursed as he ducked and rolled across the ground, taking out one of the sub-demons. Black blood spilled across the lush grass and fallen leaves. “I’ve never seen this many!”

Neither had I. Dragos didn’t usually make their way into Earth. We’d encountered a few here and there, but nothing like an entire mob.

Roxie shrieked as one of the sub-demons sliced her leg, leaking crimson down her pants. Hawk ensured I held my own before darting toward her to help fend off the converging creatures.

I swung my sword, chopping off the tail on one drago and then speared another through the center of his body. A high-pitched wail erupted through the cemetery as the sub-demon tried to stab me while dying on my blade.

Little bastard didn’t want to give up.

I beat my sword on the ground, and the drago finally stopped fighting when he was cut in half, his yellow irises clouding over as he died.

Tingles spread across my scalp, and a sub-demon dived at me. My pulse skyrocketed as I rolled across the ground, crashing into a statue hard enough to crack the alabaster. One of the angel’s wings broke off and crushed the drago with a splat. I sank my blade into his head to finish him off.

A smaller red drago zoomed by, and I cursed, drawing Hawk’s attention. “It’s a female.”

Female dragos were rare and usually protected by the males in the group, but clearly, this one sensed the danger. Females were also poisonous.

“I’ll go after her.” Hawk pivoted and darted through the trees. “We can’t let her get away.”

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