Page 52 of Savage Bond

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“The more details we have, the better.”

He grinned. “How did I get so lucky to have such a smart partner?”

“Beats me. You must have made a deal with a devil.”

He chuckled and turned back to the front of the room as Coltrane reached up and pulled down a map from the top of the board.

“Several have been reported in Dawson but not Liberty.” She aimed a marker at the red spots on the map. “You can see where the disappearances have occurred so far.”

Most marks clustered around Savannah, specifically downtown. The city was definitely the epicenter.

Kourtney cleared her throat. “Does this have anything to do with the flood of sub-demons coming from the Underworld? They’ve been attacking a lot of humans and nightworlders.”

“It’s possible.” Coltrane motioned to a small mass of marks near Bonaventure Cemetery where the door to the Underworld was located. “We haven’t found any bodies, so maybe sub-demons large enough to consume an entire person are responsible.”

“What about the higher demons?” Roxie flicked her raven locks over her shoulder. “Some aren’t even pretending to abide by the accords.”

Raven and nightworlder leaders agreed upon strict rules for all of us to follow years ago. Every sect could have variations, but these were the most basic laws.

Nightworlders cannot feed from or harm children of any species.

Nightworlders cannot kill humans within the city.

Ravens cannot kill nightworlders without cause—except sub-demons.

Nightworlders cannot attack ravens without cause.

Deadly toxins and poisons are banned.

Coltrane’s jaw ticked. “I’m aware of the demons disregarding the rules. And it could very well be them attacking shifters and disposing of them somewhere.”

The ones fighting Hawk and Roxie last night were definitely vicious enough to go after shifters, but for what reason?


Hawk,Roxie, and I trekked through Bonaventure Cemetery, silver moonlight dappling the ground and highlighting the crumbling tombstones and statues. My heart raced, and I chewed on my bottom lip until it bled, a metallic tang coating my mouth.

Coltrane insisted I patrol with Hawk. After what happened last night, her trust in Roxie had waned. I didn’t want Hawk to get hurt, but this put me out in the open where any nightworlder could blow my cover.

Hopefully, we only encountered sub-demons.

“I’m surprised Coltrane insisted on you coming tonight, Tate.” Roxie flanked Hawk’s other side, practically rubbing against him. Her black shirt barely contained her breasts while the pants looked like they’d split in the ass if she had to fight.

Hawk gave the other raven a sideways glance. “Why, Rox?”

How could he not see through her fake concern or notice the insincerity oozing from her expression?

“Tate’s just been through so much. Maybe she should take some time off before getting back into the swing of things. She could be a liability.”

My nostrils flared, and I effortlessly stepped over a root that both Roxie and Hawk almost missed. “Sheis right here. And I sure as hell wasn’t a liability last night.”

Roxie’s mouth hung open, and she had the audacity to appear upset. “I’m just looking out for you.”

My boots ground to a halt, and I breathed deeply, trying to calm myself before I broke her nose. “I’m doing a quick perimeter check on the left. Alone.” If I had to be around her while she fawned all over Hawk and tried to undermine me every minute, I wouldn’t be able to stop from attacking her. I was not the same Tate she knew a few months ago. Roxie had no idea she was provoking a monster.

“We should stick together.” Hawk grabbed my arm. “It’s safer that way.”

I glowered and tried to silently communicate that my control was slipping. “Trust me, it’s safer if I take a walk alone right now.”

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