Page 133 of Savage Bond

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Royce marched to the end of the couch where my head rested and pressed one hand on my chest while the other covered my mouth just as Furic’s hold vanished. My lids fluttered, and I tried to reach for the demon amulet’s power, but the weakness hemorrhaging into my veins made my brain too hazy to concentrate.

Furic drew back to study the wound leaking blood all over the couch, and a faint crimson glow began to pulsate from the tear in my flesh. He gave a twisted smile. “It’s ready now.”

He pulled the blade out and then shoved his hand inside my stomach.

A scream belted out of me, muffled by Royce’s hand, and I arched off the couch. Searing lava engulfed my torso, and I cried out again, tears pouring down my cheeks. My vision flashed white, and copper spilled over my tongue.

This agony topped even the moment the Infernal Sol had burrowed inside while I was dying in that Underworld temple. Furic grinned, getting off on my pain.

“Almost got it, Tate.”

Sickness hit me, making the room spin. I felt Furic’s fingers wrapping around the sun stone inside of me.

No, no, no, no. This isn’t happening.

If he took that thing out, I’d die. Deep in my bones, I knew that. Then that evil, deranged royal demon would have possession of the powerful amulet, and there was no telling what she’d do with it.

My jaw clenched even as my strength continued to wane. I couldn’t let Venna win. Not only did I promise Fane I’d do anything to survive, but I also gave Ruin my word that I’d help him as long as this stone was inside me.

Venna wasn’t getting the Infernal Sol. I wasn’t done fighting yet.

My lids fluttered closed, and every sheet of armor and every brick in my defensive wall fell away as I reached for the dark, ancient power.

Don’t leave me. I need you. Come to me.

A foreign tingling sensation, like a hum, vibrated my core as if the amulet purred at my surrender. This was the first time I’d purposefully called to it, fully invited it in. And it rejoiced.

My back arched as power inundated my veins, burning them and turning me into a ball of blistering fire. Furic cursed and yanked his hand out of my stomach, my blood dripping from his fingers.

“What’s happening?” Royce jerked away from me. “Why is she so hot?”

My veins glowed ruby red through my skin and then black as the Infernal Sol fused with me more than ever. It flowed through every nook, cranny, and cell until it filled me more than evenIdid.

The demon amulet shared this body with me. No more hiding in the shadows. No more waiting in the wings. It was in the front of the car now, sliding behind the wheel while I moved to the passenger seat. I was still there, just along for the ride.

A wicked smile split my lips, and blood dribbled out of my mouth. What a wild ride it would be.

I grabbed Furic’s wrist and snapped it, the crack of bone like a beautiful song. His violent scream pelted into the room, and the dagger dropped from his grip, sliding across the floor and dragging my blood with it. Royce slammed his hands on my chest to keep me down.

My manic laugh bounced against the white and gold walls as I clutched his arms and shoved him back. As he stumbled, I bolted off the couch, gripped his head, and twisted until his neck popped. That wouldn’t kill him of course.

As talons grew from my hand, I sliced through his neck like butter. Black blood speckled my face as his head broke off.

So lovely.

He fell, and I tossed his head across the room like a toy I’d lost interest in. As I turned toward Furic, who trembled near the white marble fireplace, I licked the demon blood from my talon.


The demon spun and darted for the door, but I was on him in seconds, seizing his golden-brown locks and yanking him back.

“Do you really think you can get away from me that easily?” I wrenched him around, slammed him to his knees, and grabbed his chin. “I’m not finished with you.” Blood covered my abdomen, a gruesome sight, but the Infernal Sol slowed the flow and already started to heal the wound.

He shook his head. “Please. I was only following orders.” The demon felt the ancient power throbbing from me. It was no longer a hidden gem inside my chewy center or even a dark passenger.

I lowered toward him and peered into his yellow eyes, my glowing hazel irises and slitted pupils reflected within them. “Tell me what makes you scream.”

Images hit me in a frantic whirlwind. A vicious vine attacked him in Faerieland. The Corniper plant coiled around his body and attached its suckers to his flesh, drawing blood and eating him alive for days until a pixie happened by to free him.

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