Page 111 of Savage Bond

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His faint pulse registered in my ears, and I laid my hand on his chest, feeling his warmth. He was still alive. For now.

I turned back to Mina. My sword had fallen from her grip, and her lids were closed.


The barrier keeping me separate from reality crumbled as I forced the Infernal Sol’s power deep inside.

You don’t have me yet.

Sharp, unrelenting pain erupted through me as my injuries registered all at once. My head spun, and I collapsed to my hands and knees, lava filling my insides. My lungs shrank three sizes too small, and my heart shuddered, trying to work harder to keep me alive.

Blood dripped out of me from so many spots I probably looked like I’d been bathed in it. Bile oozed up my throat, and I heaved into the bushes, but nothing except blood came out.

Four dead wolves. Two unconscious and dying. Agrigons still hiding in the trees. And that cowered Dorian ran away.

My vision blurred as I stood, my fingers digging into the rough bark of a tree to keep from falling. I didn’t want to leave Mina and Will alone, but I needed to get help.


I staggeredout of the forest, somehow ending up in the Anders’ backyard. Maybe my senses had driven me here. The house distorted as my vision dimmed, and wolves howled in the distance. Reinforcements must have finally arrived, but why had it taken so long?

“Oh, my gods.” A female ran out of the back door, her tawny locks flowing behind her. “Tate, what happened? We heard such a commotion a minute ago.”

“Ambush.” Every time I breathed it felt like shards of glass tore at my lungs. “Agrigon demons. Mostly.”

Her eyes widened as she fully took me in, my ripped clothes, visible wounds, and blood. Ephraim and Preston emerged from the house, both growing pale at my state.

I choked back the urge to vomit. “At least four dead shifters. Mina and Will were alive when I left, but they need help.”

Preston took off toward the woods, spurring a rush of panic through me.

“You can’t go alone!” I spun and stumbled in his direction. “There’s a nest of agrigon demons in the trees. I don’t know how many are left.”

Preston slowed and turned to his father. “That’s got to be where the others were headed.”

My vision distorted again, and I wavered toward the ground until someone caught me.

“We need to get you inside, honey.” Nora stood me back up. “You don’t look so good.”

I didn’t feel so good. Not only was I ripped to pieces, but two demons had sucked on my soul. What kind of damage had that done?

“A high demon is still out there, but I killed a royal.” I shook my head, grimacing at the stabs of pain penetrating me after every move.

Ephraim clutched his son’s shoulder. “You’re faster, so find the others and warn them about the nest in the trees and the high demon. I’ll call Camus to give him an update.”

Preston nodded and dashed into the woods. I swallowed back my worry for him. His father wouldn’t have sent him off if he couldn’t handle himself. Had Fane trained Preston at any point? I’d feel a lot better if he had.

Ephraim came to my other side, and he and his wife helped me into the house, stopping in the living room.

“Lie down, honey.” Nora gently directed me toward the couch as Ephraim grabbed his phone from the table.

Blood trickled from my wounds, hitting the hardwoods in thick splats. “I’ll bleed all over it.”

“We can get a new one.” She turned to her husband who was already on the phone with Camus. “We need a healer.Now.”

Tires squealed outside, and moments later, Fane burst into the house, a string of curses exploding from him. Logan appeared behind him, and the color drained from his cheeks.

My heart squeezed, and my chest threatened to cave in at the sight of the demon shifter. The overwhelming urge to be near him hit me so hard that I almost dropped to the ground.

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