Page 91 of Savage Bite

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“Hey, beautiful.” A dux demon shoved toward me on the dance floor, his gaze roaming over my body. I’d changed into tight black jeans and a tiny tank top. “I’ve been watching you dance. You look like a good time. The name’s Vox.”

Vox stood nearly a foot taller than me with vibrant blue eyes and a sun-kissed complexion like he’d spent hours at the beach. Rich copper hair flowed in waves around his classically handsome face, and when he smiled, two identical dimples flashed on either side of his mouth.

Of course that was his glamour. Beyond his sexy, stunning appearance, a demon with inch-long horns poking from his hair, sharp teeth, and yellow flesh lurked. He licked his lips, revealing a forked tongue.

Without responding, I turned away and continued dancing to the fast-paced, electronic song. His presence remained at my back, and he moved closer, swaying his hips as if I’d invited him into my space.

“You want to get a little wild tonight?” Vox jerked his hand toward the black curtains hiding the private section of the club. “We could get some Rapture and have a real good time.”

I grimaced. “Fuck off.”

His laughter tumbled down my nape, making my skin crawl. “Don’t worry, pretty thing, you’ll be begging me to fuck you later.”

Vox disappeared through the crowd before I attacked him.Disgusting prick. No way in hell would I beg him for a damn thing. He’d have to enchant or drug me first.

After dancing through another song, I headed to the bar, snarling at the group of college girls trying to get the bartender’s attention with their flirty smiles and cleavage. I might have been sporting some serious boobage too, but I certainly wasn’t giving come-hither grins to anyone.

A scuffle broke out, and a demon stumbled toward the bar, crashing into me.

Fire whipped through my veins, and I pushed him off. “Do you have eyes, asshole?”

His lips curled back, showing rows of sharp teeth behind his glamour. “You want to fight too, shifter? I’d like to see you try to knock me out.”

For shit’s sake. Did nightworlders really sense that I was a shifter?

“Fine.” I slammed my fist into his jaw, and he staggered back, using the bar to maintain his balance. “You’re a big guy, so it might take more than one hit. I like a challenge, though.”

The demon lunged, but I pivoted and kicked his sternum hard enough to break bones. Then, I delivered a combination of punches that had him crashing to the ground, unconscious.

A wild laugh slipped out, and I shook my hands, fire burning my knuckles. “That wasn’t so hard.” The other demon involved in the fight took one look at me, and whatever he saw had him melting back into the crowd.

Bouncers dressed in all black came for the demon, but when they attempted to grab me, the bartender waved them off.

“She’s fine. She only did what he asked.” The dux demon, who looked just like his human form beneath the glamour except for his eerie yellow irises, smiled and flicked tousled lavender hair from his handsome face. “Another tequila shot, or do you want to try something else?”

“Just give me something strong.” My alcohol tolerance had risen after all the supernatural changes my body recently endured.

The bartender returned and handed me a large shot. “That'll knock your socks off.”

“Thanks.” I didn’t care about my socks as long as this buzz didn’t fade. I put the glass to my lips and downed the entire thing, wincing at the odd flavors sliding down my throat mixed with the burn of alcohol.

But something was off. Different.

When I lowered the glass and examined the remnants, my heart crashed to the soles of my boots.

Son of a bitch.

A thick, silvery liquid gleamed in the bottom of the shot glass.



A warm wavewashed over me, and I staggered into the bar as the full effects of the magical drug hit me. I glared at the bartender. “You’re going to pay for this.” At least I tried to say that, but it came out in an incoherent, slurred mess.

He arched his eyebrow, the lights bouncing off the stud piercing it, and grinned. “You said you wanted something strong.”

Hard fingers fastened around my arm. “Looks like you do want to party with me after all.” Vox, the demon who hit on me earlier, leered, and the desire in his eyes soured my stomach. “You smell like such a delicious shifter.”

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