Page 88 of Savage Bite

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“No,” I snapped. He made it sound like we were screwing each other instead of sparring. “Did you find what you were looking for?”

“Not exactly. Not yet.” He leaned against the wall and crossed his arms. “What else have you been doing?”

Logan’s laughter echoed behind me as he sauntered by to grab his water from the table on the left. “Don’t worry, Fane. I wouldn’t sleep with your girl.”

The demon shifter’s mouth tightened into a white line. “Stop instigating shit, Logan.”

He lifted his hand in the air, the sweating water bottle still clutched in one. “I can’t instigate shit if there isn’t shit already there to instigate.”

“What did you find out, Maverick?” I asked over Logan’s chuckles. The two friends were night and day. “Or did you decide to just slice me open to see if this thing is still in one piece?”

Shadows flickered over his harsh expression. “Unfortunately, simply cutting you open isn’t the answer, or I would have already done it.” He dragged his fingers through his hair and sighed. “A friend from Chicago is coming tomorrow.”

I snatched a towel off the table to wipe my face. “What are we supposed to do until then?”

“You’re staying here. I have shifter business to attend to.” Fane marched out of the room.

“Don’t worry,” Logan called. “I’ll keep your girl nice and warm for you.”

A string of curses wrapped in a gravelly, harsh voice resonated from the hallway.

* * *

I stabbedanother ravioli with my fork and crammed the meaty, cheesy morsel into my mouth. Fane really thought I’d sit in this apartment while he went out and did whatever secret bullshit he was doing. At least I could go outside at his uncle's. Here, the demon shifter didn’t even want me to get fresh air on the roof.

Fane Maverick didn’t know me very well. For the last few years, I’d obeyed the rules and tried not to step a toe out of line. But before Coltrane took me in, rules didn’t mean much. And coming from Fane, they meant less.

Light tingles crawled over my neck tattoo as he trekked into the living room, and I nearly dropped my fork. The ravioli fell off, splattering the table and my shirt in red sauce.

Damn it.

I mopped up my mess while scrutinizing the demon shifter from beneath my lashes. He was fresh out of the shower and donned a pair of stylish jeans and a green button-down shirt that brought out the flecks of gold in his amber eye. The sleeves were rolled up his forearms, revealing his tattoos, and the ones on his neck stood out against the green collar.

Screw the ravioli. He looked good enough to eat.

A crooked smirk pulled at Fane’s lips as he strolled by the table and into the kitchen. “I’d stick with the ravioli if I were you, Teague.”

Heat flamed my cheeks. Son of a bitch. Did I say that into his head?

“Yes, you did.” He grabbed a water from the fridge. “You’re practically screaming your thoughts at me.”

I dropped my fork and scowled. “Why can’t I hear your thoughts?”

“Because I know how to keep you out.” He took a sip of water. “Too bad I can’t stop all your shit from leaking into my head, though.”

“What doesthatmean?” I clasped my hands together in my lap to keep from throwing something at him. Besides seeing my nightmare the other night, did he have a one-way ticket to my mind? Did he root around in there, spying on my memories, thoughts, and emotions?

He winced and rubbed his temples. “Believe me, I’m not trying to see or hear anything, but when your emotions are high, you broadcast shit right to me.”

Logan marched into the living room, a grimace replacing his usual smile. “Why are you going to see her?”

Her? Her who?

A long sigh spilled out of Fane as if he and Logan had been having the same conversation for hours. “Unfinished business.”

The demon’s eyes narrowed. “What kind of unfinished business could you have with Marissa? That bitch was finished the moment she—”

Fane's vicious glower had my skin prickling. “I have my reasons.”

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