Page 87 of Savage Bite

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His lips thinned into a tight line as his cheekbones sharpened and eyes darkened. This was the first time Logan looked more demon than human. “Not everyone in the Mohan pack accepted Fane. He had to fight a lot.”

“Oh.” My mind immediately went to the scars on the left side of his chest. Had another shifter really tried to claw his heart out?

“His father, Everette, didn’t help matters.” Logan shook his head and muttered a few curses under his breath. “Everette died when Fane was sixteen. I wish he would have died sooner. Afterward, Fane moved in with his uncle, but most members of the pack still treated him differently.”

As a kid, Fane constantly fought just to survive—like I had.

“Why didn’t Fane become beta—”

Logan attacked and, in my distraction, tackled me to the ground. The air fled from my lungs as I struck the mat. “For someone who claims to hate him, you sure are interested in my best friend, Tate.” His chestnut hair tickled my forehead as he chuckled.

Fury rushed over me, and I used my legs to flip him on his back, straddling him. “I’d rather screw you than that self-centered, infuriating, exasperating—”

“I’d take you up on that offer if I didn’t know Fane would have my balls for it. He’s the jealous type.” Logan settled his fingers on my hips, his thumbs moving in circles. “Look how he acted when Preston showed up. Plus, I know you’re lying. You two were not as quiet as you thought last night in my living room.”

Fire licked at my face, pouring hot embarrassment through my veins.

Why did I allow that douchebag to touch me? Was I so screwed up that I enjoyed being manhandled by someone who hated me? Fane wanted to kill me. He wasn’t shy about making that crystal fucking clear. And yet, whenever he was near, I wanted to jump his bones.

The other night in the forest in Mohan Wilds, I would have let him rip my clothes off and screw me right then and there. No doubt about it. He would have done it too and then walked away while I was still trying to recover.

The bastard wouldn’t get the chance again. I wouldnotlet him touch me.

No one would. Never again.

Something snapped inside, and monstrous claws raked under the surface. Darkness bled through my veins, twisting like shadows to smother all of the light. The person beneath me blurred and transformed into those assholes who’d hurt me in the past.

No more.

I’dhurt them now.

My fingers coiled around his neck, squeezing.


The man underneath me struggled,my grip tightening with each passing second. A smile tipped my lips as his fear perfumed the air. I wanted to watch him die.

Like a fly realizing his mistake when he landed on the spider’s sticky web, the guy’s muscles tensed as he struggled for air. His vibrant blue irises dimmed to navy as he gathered his strength, broke my hold on his throat, flipped me over, and pinned me to the mat.

The hit shattered the crimson haze around me, and I blinked at Logan, panting hard. “I-I don’t know what happened.” The rage that had consumed me a moment ago felt suffocating and foreign, something nasty that wanted to create despair and destruction.

“You back in control, Tate?”

I nodded, dragging in ragged gulps of air.

He gave a dry laugh. “You might have inherited Fane’s temper.” He inspected my stomach where the sun tattoo was on full display below my sports bra. “Or the Infernal Sol didn’t like me teasing you.”

I trembled as the passage Fane found about the demon amulet in the bookstore sped through my mind. “I’m not sure what’s worse.” Maybe this thing reallywoulddrive me nuts.

The swirling tattoo on my neck tickled, and a massive shadow darkened the doorway.

Fane’s nostrils flared as his gaze tracked everywhere Logan touched me, which was pretty much my entire body since he had me pinned with his. An animalistic snarl slithered between the demon shifter’s clenched teeth.

Heat spread over my skin, and my pulse spiked. Why did that growl seem so… possessive? Did he think I was a toy only he got to play with?

Logan smirked and slowly crawled to his feet, reaching his hand out to help me up. “Didn’t know you were back.”

“I’m sure.” Fane studied me from head to toe, paying special attention to my curves that were highlighted in the figure-hugging leggings and sports bra—that he bought for me. “Is this what you two have been doing all day?”

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