Page 84 of Savage Bite

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I glaredat Fane as he sat at the round table between the kitchen and living room, ignoring me while reading a demon book about the Infernal Sol. “You’re not going without me.”

“Yes, I am.” He casually flipped to another page.

“No, you’re not.” I pressed my hands into the table and leaned toward him, my arm brushing his shoulder. “I am not staying cooped up in this apartment anymore.” We’d been holed up at Logan’s for a week, and I was ready to pull my damn hair out.

The demon shifter prick hadn’t let me step one foot out of the apartment for fear that Karn’s minions could still be slinking around. More likely, he was using that as an excuse to keep me on a short leash. He even went to the store and bought clothes for me, which were perfectly my sizeandstyle, but I wouldn’t let him know how much I liked them, especially the tattered jeans and cropped t-shirt with dancing habaneros I currently wore.

His gaze finally lifted from the book, skewering me. “These people I’m going to see don’t like strangers. And if they so much as get a hint that the Infernal Sol is inside of you, they won’t hesitate to gut you to try and get it out.”

I grimaced at the colorful images his words produced. “You won’t let them hurt me.” I jabbed his shoulder with a little too much zeal. “That’syourjob, isn’t it?”

Fane’s nostrils flared at the saccharine smile on my face. “You’re not going, Teague.”

“Fine, but I’m not staying here. I’ll just get a ride to your aunt and uncle’s so I can get my bag. I’m sure Preston won’t mind seeing me.” Bringing up his cousin seemed to irritate him.

A vein pulsated in the demon shifter’s neck. “That’s not happening.”

I scoffed. “We’ll see about that. Once you leave, I’m out of here.”

“I’ll tie you to the fucking bed if I have to.” A leer twisted his lips. “I bet you’d like that.” He reached for his glass of lemonade, but I snatched it out of his grasp.

“You’re not my boss, Maverick. And you sure as hell have no right to tell me what to do.” I motioned toward the tattoo on my neck. “This does not give you control over me.”

He plucked his drink right out of my hand. “I’m older than you. That makes me the boss.”

A wry laugh slipped out. “Oh, please. What are you? Twenty-four?”

“I’ve been around a lot longer than that.” Fane suggestively licked his finger and used it to flip the page in the demon book. “I’m an expert in many areas.”

My cheeks heated, picking up on his underlying meaning while a wave of sexual energy flowed off him. “Well, how oldareyou then, oh wise one?”

“Maybe I’ll show you one day.” A sinister smile twisted the demon shifter’s lips. “If you’re a good girl.”

That voice—deep, gruff, and full of wicked promises—hit me right in the gut, and my feet inched closer to him until his scent washed over me.

Motherfucker. He was trying to distract me. And I hated him for it.

I also hated the thrill that zipped through my bloodstream at the sinful way he saidgood girl. I’d never been into that kind of thing, and if anyone ever tried it on me, they’d end up with a black eye.

But with Fane… my body wanted to submit to every dirty desire he threatened me with.

Logan stood from the couch and sauntered into the kitchen, shattering the cloud of lust engulfing me. “Age isn’t the same for humans as it is for nightworlders, especially ones who’ve lived in other realms. Time doesn’t pass the same, and it’s not always linear.”

“What Logan means is—” Fane swirled his glass, the ice cubes clinking against the sides. “—I’m older and wiser than you, so I have the right to tell you what to do.” He winked. “It’s for your own good.”

Fury overrode any remaining desire the demon shifter had stoked in me. “Go to hell, Maverick.” I stole his drink again and downed the rest of it, slamming it on the table.

Fane shot me a dry look. “You know I can just get more out of the fridge, right?”

I licked the sweet and sour flavor from my lips and leaned toward him, my hair brushing his shoulder. “I finished the carton while you were busy on the phone making all your mysterious plans.”

His fingers tightened around the book. “You don’t even like lemonade.”

“I do now.” I gave a casual shrug, moving so close that his lip piercing brushed my mouth. “Maybe I inherited the preference courtesy of your bite.”

He sucked in a breath to argue when the doorbell rang.

Logan cursed and pushed off the counter. “There went my entertainment. You two were just getting started.” As soon as he opened the door, his laughter reverberated through the room. “Never mind. This makes it even better.” He moved to allow the visitor inside.

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