Page 83 of Savage Bite

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Finally, I found two cupboards stuffed with snacks. My finger ran over the items until I came upon a box of spicy trail mix. I poured a mixture of pretzels, rye chips, and Chex into my hand and tossed them into my mouth.

Spicy, my ass.Even Hawk could tolerate this stuff.

The thought of my best friend turned the trail mix to sand. I reached into the stainless steel fridge and grabbed a bottle of water, chugging some to wash down the food.

Did Coltrane tell Hawk I’d gone on a mission and lost contact? Would he care?

Of course he’d care. We were partners. But a small, insecure part of me wondered if he even noticed. Maybe he thought I’d been sent on a long-term mission and was glad to have space from me after our fight.

I shook the dark thoughts off and hopped up on the counter, grabbing another handful of trail mix. The tattoo on my neck tingled moments before a shirtless Fane shuffled into the living room.

My teeth clenched at his appearance even though my body heated and longed to have him touch me again.

Betraying slut.

His black hair was in mussed waves around his face, and the gray sweatpants hung low on his hips, revealing the defined V-line that trailed beneath the hem. I already knew what else dangled within those pants. The thick, hot feel of it in my hand was burned into my mind.

I tore my attention away from those jagged tattoos slashing over his scarred torso. Tension thickened the air as Fane stepped into the kitchen, opened the fridge, and grabbed a drink. His gaze remained heavy on me, and plastic crinkled and popped as he opened the bottle.

“How’s the leg?” His rough voice, thick with sleep, poured out even sexier than usual. “Does it hurt?”

I couldn’t feel much at the moment except for his stare. “It’s fine.”

Fane’s wild, intoxicating scent washed over me as he drew closer. His hand moved toward the bandage on my thigh.

I snatched his wrist before he made contact with my leg. “Don’t touch me.” The words came out as a low, lethal warning.

“Just take the damn bandage off so I can see it.” He leaned his hip against the counter, waiting.

He’d probably pester me all night, so I tore the gauze and tape off, wincing from the sharp sting. A startled gasp escaped my mouth at how much the agrigon bite had healed. The Calling spell hadn’t done that.

Fane’s rumbling hum hit me right in the lower abdomen. “Should be all healed by the end of tomorrow.”

“Yep.” The tension between us grew tenfold as he continued to scrutinize me. “What?” I finally asked.

The demon shifter shook his head and tipped the bottle of water to his lips. I ate another handful of trail mix and clocked his movements out the corner of my eye. He analyzed me from head to toe as if looking for something. And then his attention settled on my knees, the tendons in his neck flexing as he examined the tiny scars.

“How old were you when you went into foster care?” His voice tumbled out in a rough whisper that had me so distracted it took a moment for his question to register.

“What?” I blinked, shaking the fog from my brain. “I don’t remember being anywhere else.”

His fingers clenched and unclenched. “And those scars?” He pointed to my knees. “How old were you when you got them?”

A sinking suspicion took root in my gut, and my blood turned to ice water in my veins. Earlier, Fane had felt my pain from the agrigon bite. We also had this mental connection and the freaky astral projection ability with each other. Anything was possible at this point. “Did you see my nightmare?”

His head yanked up, and the tightening of his jaw, the tiny muscles feathering in his face, gave him away.

That nosy bastard.

I hopped off the counter and slammed the box of trail mix down. “Stay the fuck out of my head!” Heat seeped into my cheeks, and my eyes burned with tears as humiliation crawled over me like wriggling bugs. Knowing he’d seen me in such a vulnerable memory had my throat tightening and sobs attempting to break free.

“I didn’t do it on purpose.” His nostrils flared. “Do you think I want to see that shit? It’s seared into my mind now. The way that evil woman hurt—” Fane’s mouth snapped shut, and the muscles beneath his skin twitched. His attention dipped to my knees again and then slid to a few spots on my arms that Mrs. Miller had scrubbed hard enough to bleed.

“So sorry my nightmare has inconvenienced you. Try living through it.” I snatched the water off the counter and marched out of the kitchen, biting my tongue to keep the sobs from breaching my lips until I was safely back in the guest room.

Why did this link between us have to allow Fane to see the dark, horrible secrets of my past? What other side effects would arise from this forced relationship? Would I eventually lose all ability to hide anything from the demon shifter, even my damaged heart?


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