Page 49 of Savage Bite

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“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I opened the paper wrapper on the burger, my mouth watering. Normally, I wouldn’t take his food, but I’d skipped breakfast.

Hawk cursed. “Man, I told them no jalapeños. Even if I pick them off, residual hot stuff will be left behind.”

“Give it to me. Mine is free ofhot stuff.” I switched the burgers before he could protest.

“Really?” When I nodded, he gave me a grin with two adorable dimples. “Thanks.”

I shrugged and tried to ignore the heat flooding my cheeks. For shit’s sake. He was only smiling. “Besides, I like spicy food. I’m not a wuss like you.”

His head tilted back, and rich laughter pealed from his mouth. “I like you, Tate. I have a feeling we’re going to get along perfectly.”

Flutters raged through my stomach, and I let my hair fall in front of my face to mask the smile breaking through…

My eyelids popped open,and the memory of Hawk faded as acute awareness settled over me, snapping everything into sharp focus.Everything.

I bolted into a sitting position on the rigid table in the lab, the blanket someone had tossed on me falling in my lap. If I wasn’t dead, did that mean…?

My boots slammed into the ground as I jumped to my feet, staggering a few steps to the right and hitting a counter. My frantic breaths shattered the silence in the empty room. I was surprised Fane hadn’t shackled me to ensure I stayed put.

I shuffled around the room, searching for a bathroom, finally finding a small one with a sink and a toilet. After doing my business and washing my hands, my gaze lifted to the mirror.

Frost sank through my bones. It was worse than I imagined. My eyes stared back, haunted as usual, but the hazel irises shined bright as did the tiny flecks of gold dancing in them. My sheer top had been removed—it was probably nothing more than scraps now—leaving me in the black bralette. Dried blood in shades of black and crimson flaked my skin and matted my hair, darkening the pinkish-red hue. Rips tore into my leather pants as if claws had tried to slice them right off me.

But what had my knees shaking was the ebony tattoo inked across the center of my abdomen right below my ribs. A sun branded my flesh, and rays twisted out, mixing with the swirling designs. I ran my fingers over the pattern as panic sped through my bloodstream.

What the…?

Memories of Fane’s teeth burrowing into my neck hit me, and I grabbed the counter as the white walls spun. After the intense pain, pure bliss had enveloped me like loving arms full of warmth. But then a landslide of the torment and sorrow he held within him crashed into me.

Did he have any idea that he’d revealed that? Had I showed him my hidden anguish too?

My molars ground so hard my teeth vibrated. I wouldnotfeel sorry for that bastard.

I yanked my hair aside, expecting to see a wound or even a scar. Instead, a black tattoo where his teeth sank in coiled over my neck with the same slashing marks as the ink covering Fane’s body.

My blood turned to ice in my veins. What the ever-loving-fuck did he do to me?


As I tracedthe onyx lines inked on the left side of my neck with my finger, electric tingles rippled over the spot, causing me to break out in goose bumps. A shiver rolled down my spine, and I trembled.

Shifter bites didn’t leave tattoos, not that I’d ever heard of.

I stumbled from the mirror and slammed into the doorjamb, my chest heaving. I needed to get out of this lab and find that asshole. He’d tell me exactly what kind of demon shifter magic shit he cursed me with.

A door was around the corner, and I viciously ripped it open to reveal an ascending staircase. I climbed it, ignoring the anxiety trying to claim me. Too much rage flowed through my veins to succumb to a panic attack.

I pulled the large handle on the door at the top that reminded me of something you’d see on a giant walk-in freezer and stumbled into a hallway encased in sage green walls. A fresh scent lingered in the air, but something else mixed with it. Sandalwood, cinnamon, and leather. And fire that would warm the coldest of nights.

Fane. I couldsmellhim.

My throat tightened. Being able to pick out his scent, any scent, wasn’t a good sign considering I couldn’t do thatbeforehe bit me. I turned left and followed the hall as a tug in the pit of my gut pulled me along. I choked back the trepidation as the strange sensation led me to Fane Maverick.

Of course he would be at the end of this trail.

Faint voices sounded, and I recognized his the moment it hit my ears. Before I crossed the room's threshold, he released a sharp gasp.

Another terrible sign.

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