Page 48 of Savage Bite

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As I layin the lab, either dying or changing, memories blurred into future fears within my unconscious mind. Nightmares morphed into dreams, and those bled into past events. My thoughts turned to the ravens and Hawk, eventually forming a coherent vision from two years ago that played behind my eyes…

I slumpedin the chair across from Captain Coltrane, giving her a bored expression as she rattled on about rules and procedures. My right boot tapped the hardwoods, and I absentmindedly toyed with an unraveling string on the bottom of my tank top.

The captain had recruited me two months ago, and I’d already surpassed most of the novices my age. Some of them weren’t too happy about getting a beatdown every time they met me on the mats.

“When you decided to join the ravens, I expressed how important these rules are. We run a tight ship, and the rest of us suffer if one member can’t fall in line.” Coltrane laced her fingers on the desk, her back ramrod straight and lips thinning at my non-reaction.

Did she have any idea who she was talking to? She plucked me off the streets for shit’s sake. Did she think I’d become a perfect student just because I had potential? Just because I could kill?

A bitter tang coated my mouth. Anyone could kill if they set their mind to it.

“I can’t have you getting into fights with other trainees, Tatum.”

I scoffed. “They started withme. Am I supposed to let them antagonize me and not fight back?”


My head snapped back so hard I could have popped a vertebra out of place. “That’s not in my nature. That’s not how I survive.”

Her brows furrowed as she mulled over my words. “You’re not just surviving anymore, and no one will hurt you here.”

Yeah, right. Donnie and his two shadows only wanted to give me a warm, friendly welcome.

The captain sighed and reached for her coffee, staring at the tan mixture that reeked of sugar and caramel. “If you can’t shape up and follow simple rules, perhaps life as a raven isn’t for you.”

My boots slammed to the ground, and I shot to the edge of my seat. “You can’t be serious! This is where I’m supposed to be. This is what I have to do.” Ineededto do it. I’d failed Jayla, and I should have died that night. Becoming a raven was the only way I could make up for surviving when she didn’t.

Killing monsters and protecting people was my only path.

“I’m sorry, but I warned you that this wouldn’t be easy.” Coltrane tapped her fingers against her coffee mug. “I need to reevaluate your potential—”

The door crashed open, and her nephew barreled in, a bag from Hank’s Hamburgers dangling from his fingers. He hunched over, breathing heavily as if he’d sprinted here.

“Hawk, I am having a private meeting with another novice.” Coltrane’s dark eyes narrowed on him. “You need to leave. We’ll talk about this later.”

“I came as soon as I could.” He shuffled farther in, dropped the food on her desk, and folded into the chair next to me. “This isn’t her fault. I overheard Donnie, Matt, and Will talking about provoking Tatum into a fight. I didn’t think they’d be stupid enough to try it.”

Captain Coltrane shook her head, a line creasing between her eyebrows. “Why would they want to provoke her?”

“Because they wanted to disprove the rumors that she killed a high demon. They thought if they could beat her, she couldn’t have bested a powerful nightworlder.” He snorted. “I guess they weren’t expecting her to kick their asses.”

Those little bastards.

Coltrane rubbed her temples. “A premeditated attack is far worse than anything Tatum has done.” She stood and marched out from behind her desk toward the door. “I’m going to find those three myself. Stay here so we can all have a chat.”

“You got it.” Hawk turned to me as she vanished, grinning. “Those boys are in for hell with my aunt.”

I crossed my arms and scowled. “Why did you do that? I could have handled this all on my own. I don’t need your help.” Technically, Coltrane had been on the verge of kicking me out, so maybe his informationwasessential.

He didn’t need to know that, though.

Hawk shrugged. “I didn’t want you to get booted. Ever since you came along, this place has livened up.” He stood, trekked to the right side of the room to his aunt's minifridge, and took out two water bottles. He kept one and set the other on the desk in front of me. “I’ve been here for years, and you’re the first person to ever get my aunt in a real tizzy. Plus, I’ve wanted to talk to you, but you’re hella intimidating. I figured this would be a perfect way to break the ice.”

“You’ve talked to me before.” We’d sparred together, and he’d said hello a few times. This guy talked to everyone and flirted with every female—except me.

“I was going to eat this later, but you can have it.” Hawk took out two burgers and passed one to me. “Casual conversation is not the same as hanging out. I was afraid you might kill me with one of those deadly glares.”

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