Page 21 of Savage Bite

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That girl was smarter than this.Iwas smarter than this.

Had joining the ravens softened me too much? Sure, it gave me discipline, but I never would have been so stupid over a guy. Never.

A sudden prickle crawled across my nape, and my steps faltered before continuing down the sidewalk. I covertly searched the area, and my pulse spiked as the blood in my veins quickened. Something was following me. Hunting me.

Since I had no idea what beast had decided to place me in his crosshairs, the rational thing would be to get somewhere safe, especially since I wasn’t on duty and didn’t have my partner.

I ground my teeth at the mere thought of my partner.

After my night, I wasn’t feeling rational. I didn’t want to be the perfect soldier who followed the rules and did everything by the book.

My fists shook, and I popped a couple of knuckles. I thirsted for a fight.

Maybe I’d get one.

Instead of turning onto a busy road, I headed down deserted Fahm Street. Most businesses in this area were closed now, and no one had any reason to be ambling around.

No footsteps sounded, but a presence trailed me, upping the chances that it was a nightworlder.

A dark smile twisted my lips. Would I get to test my new abilities tonight?

I swung a right and headed into an alley between two tall buildings that would eventually dead end into a gate. This would be the best spot to fight a creature so it couldn’t escape once it realized I wasn’t some feeble human.

Just as I took the last bend, I pressed myself into the wall, holding my breath as a shadow emerged. The bastard had no idea what was about to hit him.

The nightworlder silently turned the corner. And I lunged.

My fist swung out, but it missed the mark as the guy moved like the wind. Seconds later, my back slammed into the wall I’d been pressed against, a snarling face inches from mine.

What the actual fuck?

Those opposing eyes, one vibrant blue and the other golden amber, burned into me with enough malice and loathing that my flesh could have melted off.


The massive nightworldertowered over my petite frame, his shoulders swelling and chest expanding as he sucked in a deep breath. Less than an hour ago, he’d watched me from the club’s balcony, but now the desire to crush my life with his bare hands became a palpable presence around us.

“You,” I hissed, shoving him off, or at least trying. “You’re the guy from Wrath & Ruin. Are you stalking me?”

A tiny thrill zipped down my spine at the thought of this beast of a guy so enamored he had to hunt me down.

An invisible slap shook the stupid from my brain. I didn’t want any nightworlder lusting after me. Besides, the monster—I still couldn’t get a proper read on which type—probably only wanted to eat me. And not in the good way.

His hand whipped out, going for my throat. I blocked his attack with my forearm, a flash of pain rippling over my bones at the contact, and I ducked under his elbow. He closed the gap between us before I could blink, his fist traveling toward my cheek.

Son of a bitch.He wasn’t playing around. He really wanted to kill me.

I twisted my head away from the hit, and his knuckles grazed my cheekbone. A low growl slithered from his bared teeth as he took a giant step forward that put us face to face again. He snatched my elbow and twisted me around to shove me into the brick wall.

Not happening, douchebag.

I crushed my other elbow into his ribs with as much force as possible. Hot pain rippled out, but I kept my mouth clamped against the curses teetering on the tip of my tongue.

What the hell was this guy made of? Titanium?

He released a grunt that sounded more annoyed than anything and staggered back, allowing me to deliver a roundhouse to his hip. I dodged the swipe of his hand arcing through the air and punched his cheek.

His head snapped to the side, and when it slowly swiveled back, his stare burned like neon lights on a dark street. Something zipped through them, fast as a flash of heat lightning in the summer. He probably didn’t think he’d get much of a fight from me. His second mistake of the night. The first one was following me from the demon club. His third would play out soon enough.

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