Page 15 of Savage Bite

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“That’s even too crazy for me,” Hawk said, then downed half his drink. “I prefer to stay a little more coherent in this place.”

A breath of relief whooshed out of my lungs. At least Hawk was smart enough to not share Roxie’s insane desire.

She laughed and placed her empty cup on the table. “Whatever. You guys are such party poopers.” She spun and headed for the dance floor behind us.

Hawk shook his head as our friend disappeared within the gyrating bodies. “I’m all for pushing the boundaries, but my aunt would lock me up if she ever found out I tried that shit.”

“I’m glad I’m not the only sane one here.” Over Hawk’s shoulder, a figure dressed in hot pink shoved her way in our direction.

Not happening, Kourtney.

Before I could lose my nerve, I snatched Hawk’s drink out of his hand and placed both of ours on the table. “Let’s dance.” I pulled him into the melee, catching his broad grin as I glanced back.

* * *

Hawk moved behind me,his fingers digging into my hips while his chest pressed into my back. Heat generated between us, leaving my skin damp and clothes sticky. His clean citrus scent swam around me and intoxicated my senses. This was definitely not the kind of dancing two friends did.

His hands traveled over my bare stomach, setting off tiny electric jolts in my center. “You feel fucking amazing, Tate,” he murmured in my ear. “Perfect against me.”

Flames licked at my nerve endings, making them sizzle and crackle like live wires. After two years of flirting and walking that fine line, had Hawk finally noticed that I’d been carrying a giant, blazing torch for him?

I lifted my arm and wrapped it around his neck, toying with the silken hairs grazing his nape. A low growl vibrated through him, and his hips surged forward, grinding into me and pointing out his erection.

A sharp burst of air filled my lungs, tasting of lust and Hawk. People surrounded us, and I didn’t care that half of them were nightworlders. A vampire casually nipped at a witch’s neck, his tongue lapping up tiny drops of her blood. The sight should have disgusted me but having Hawk’s undivided attention and the sexual way he touched me had kicked all my usual reservations to the wayside.

“I’m glad you came to my room last night.” His hand skimmed higher on my torso, running beneath my shirt. “But I wish you would have come sooner when I was wide awake.”

I took a deep breath before speaking so my voice didn’t come out in a high-pitched squeal. “Oh? Why’s that? Did you plan on doing something?”

His chuckle spilled goose bumps along my neck. “I had lots of things planned. Still do.”


As we continued to dance, tingles radiated down my spine that had nothing to do with the guy rubbing his length against my backside. My attention lifted to the balcony where two eyes emerged from the shadows, fixed on me.

My breath sputtered. One vibrant blue iris and one like molten gold bored into me, watching my every move. I had no doubt that this was the guy talking to Lord Ruin earlier, but I couldn’t see anything except those glowing orbs.

What the hell was he? Demons, in their human guises, always hadtwobright blue eyes.

“If you come to my room tonight, maybe I’ll show you exactly what I’ve been planning.” Hawk nibbled my ear, sending a bolt of desire between my legs. “Are you interested in that, Tate?”

My head tilted back into him. “Maybe.”Hell yeah, I was.

“Maybe?” His tongue flicked my lobe before dragging down my neck. “I’ll have to do something to change that maybe to a definite yes.” Hawk dropped kisses over my throat while his thumb skimmed my ribs, going higher with each pass. Soon, he’d meet my breast.

My attention pulled to the balcony again as the guy emerged from the shadows, his gaze still locked on mine.

All the moisture evaporated from my mouth, and I leaned farther into Hawk, not because of his kisses but because I momentarily lost the ability to stand as the nightworlder’s stare scorched me.

Hair, black as coal, was pushed back from his face, but several wayward strands refused to remain in an orderly fashion and fell forward. A snarl carved his mouth as his hands cinched around the railing, those tattooed fingers curling tightly as if he imagined wrapping them around my throat.

I swallowed hard at the sight of those veins and tendons popping out. What the hell was his problem?

More black tattoos ran over his arms in jagged lines that slashed through his tan complexion, traveling up to his neck.

“I love the way you smell.” Hawk’s voice seemed far away like I’d been tossed down a dark, bottomless tunnel with only this angry guy at the bottom to greet me.

I should have been focused on my partner’s hands roaming over me, his hot breath teasing my skin while his lips sucked and kissed, but this nightworlder had yanked every bit of my attention away.

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