Page 31 of His Last Nerve

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So cold.

It was freezing cold outside and raining.

Just my fucking luck. I’d been stuck in this ditch for over an hour. I had no cell service. I was stuck on a country road outside of a town that I barely knew, that led to a ranch where I wasn’t wanted, and my boss was most likely going to fire me.

Here I was, standing in the rain, staring at the back wheels of my rental, which were sinking into a muddy ditch. I’d hydroplaned and spun out. Pretty sure I hit my head on the steering wheel, but I was too jazzed to worry about that.


So damn cold.

The sweater I brought with me was soaked and my umbrella broke about five minutes ago. Then, lightning struck in the field next to me and I was grateful that my umbrella broke. I wasn’t grateful for my phone being out of service though. I hadn’t seen a car for the last hour. Everyone was inside, safe from this storm. Smart people.

I should’ve waited until the storm passed. I should have called Mr. Moonie and told him to shove it. He wanted me to be a snake.

I couldn’t be a snake.

I wasn’t that kind of woman. I was better than that.

Are you? You buy out ranches for a company that destroys the land.

I didn’t want to destroy Hallow Ranch. I didn’t want to push my grumpy cowboy. I didn’t want any of this.

I just wanted my mom to survive.

My bottom lip trembled as I continued to stare at my pitiful rental. Suddenly, headlights in the distance caught my attention. My heart pounded in my chest. They were coming right for me, driving in the middle of the road.

Oh, thank God. Maybe they could help me.

I squinted as the vehicle got closer.

As it came into view my stomach dropped, and my luck got worse.

It was a red Chevy.

Denver Langston’s Chevy.

If I wasn’t so cold, I would have stomped my foot like a toddler—today wasnota good day. I watched, arms wrapped around my waist, as the truck swerved over to the side, parking a few feet from my car. I watched as the mountain of a man got out of the vehicle—cowboy hat all— and he stalked towards me.

He looked good.

Even in the rain, the smoke was beautiful.

“Are you fuckin’ crazy?”


Fucking Christ.

She was even more beautiful in the rain.

Her dark hair was stuck to her pale cheeks, her neck, her limbs shook, and her clothes were soaked. She was dressed for summer, not this shit. The cream blouse looked like it was painted on her body, clinging to her breasts and torso, showing the slight curve of her belly. Her makeup was running down her face, down the sides of her cheeks.


This woman.

“Wh-what are you d-doing here?” she stammered, wrapping her arms tighter around herself. She was fucking freezing. I stared at her as her question sunk into my head.
