Page 5 of A Little Bit Crazy

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I don’t know this girl at all, but I got the impression that she wasn’t much of a drinker. She seemed too innocent for that.

“Are you single?” She asks, and I can’t help but laugh.

“This is a weird way to get out of paying for the damage to my car,” I joke, and she laughs, the sound light and infectious in my ear.

“Nooo,” she insists. “I promise I’ll pay for that, but I was hoping to ask you for a favor.”

Even drunk, she sounds so sophisticated. I can tell she has money and probably comes from a rich family, and I wonder what we could have in common.

“Have you been drinking?” I ask, trying to figure out just how drunk she is.

“A little, but I swear it’s a good idea!”

“Okay, I’ll bite. What’s the favor?” I ask.

Please let it be that you want me to come over and make you come so many times that you go hoarse from screaming my name and pass out.

“Well,” she starts, and I listen as she takes a deep breath to compose herself. “Would you be my fake boyfriend? Just for a little bit!”


This isn’t exactly what I was hoping for. I wonder why she wants a fake boyfriend when I’m sure she could get a real one in a second.

I haven’t been able to stop thinking about Quinn since I left in the tow truck. There was just something about the curvy girl that called to me. I’m not joking when I say there was a connection between us.

I wish she felt it too and wanted to go out with me for real, but this could be my way in with her. My original plan was to give it a day or two and then call and ask her out to dinner, but this could work too.

Maybe it is a good idea, though. It would probably help me get Anson and Lottie off my case.

Still, I should probably know what I’m getting myself into.

“Why do you want a fake boyfriend?” I ask her, even though I want to agree on the spot.

“I… I need my parents to get off of my case, and I’m hoping they’ll stop setting me up with guys named Tripp.”

“Who’s Tripp?” I ask, getting instantly jealous of a guy I’ve never even met.

“The latest guy in a long line of pretentious dicks that my parents have been trying to set me up with,” she says with a long, drawn-out sigh.

“And you don’t want any of them?”

I know the answer, but I need to hear her say that.

“God, no! They’re all so dreadful.”

She’s still slurring her words, so I lay down a new challenge instead of saying yes.

“Alright, if you remember this conversation in the morning, I’ll be your fake boyfriend.”

“Deal,” she says, sounding sleepy.

“Goodnight, Quinn,” I say, grinning as I end the call.

Man, I hope she remembers this.

I hop in the shower, quickly rinsing off before I practically inhale a sandwich and crash into my bed. When I fall asleep, for the first time in a long time, it’s with a smile on my face.

