Page 18 of A Little Bit Crazy

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“I only have the ones up on the blog right now,” I tell him, and he smiles.

“Let’s see.”

I pass him my ice cream cone so I can dig my phone out of the clutch. I turn back to see him eyeing my cone, and I laugh.

“You can have some.”

“Are you sure?” He asks me, looking like a little boy as he stares down at my ice cream.

“Go for it.”

He takes a lick, and my core clenches. It should be an innocent thing. He’s just trying my ice cream, but seeing his mouth licking where I was just licking seems so intimate.

“I was worried that it would melt, but it’s so cold out here,” I joke, and he laughs.

“Are you still cold?” He asks, scooting closer to me in the sand.

“A little, but the coat helps. Thanks for letting me borrow it.”

“Of course.”

He’s such a gentleman, and it seems to come so naturally to him. He saw me shivering and didn’t even say anything. Just took off his jacket and draped it over my shoulders without a word.

I pull up the photos and pass him my phone, taking my ice cream cone back.

“Want some of mine?” He offers, and I want to kiss him then, but I nod instead.


He holds the cone out to me, and I lean forward, taking a small lick. The mint and sugar hit my tongue, and I shiver, looking up at him. Our eyes lock, and I can swear that I see hunger in his dark blue eyes.

“It’s good,” I say and I can feel the blush staining my cheeks.

At least that can warm me up…

Rhett blinks, seeming to come back from his thoughts, and he clears his throat, turning to my phone.

“Whoa,” he breathes out as he looks at the first picture. “Where is this?”

“It was this little inlet just up the coast. I stumbled across it when I first got back to town and fell in love with the spot. It’s so peaceful there, and there weren’t too many people around.”

“It looks so zen,” he comments, and I smile.

“It was. I’ll have to show it to you sometime.”

“It’s a date,” he says easily.

He flips to the next picture, but I’m stuck on his words. Could Rhett really be interested in me? I’m not exactly a model. My mom loves to point out that I could stand to lose some weight. It’s always been a source of tension between us, but Rhett doesn’t seem to mind the extra weight.

Should I ask him out? For real? Would he think that I was crazy for doing this after we just started our fake relationship? Would he think that I was trying to trick him into dating me?

Rhett is complimenting the next picture, and I paste a smile on my face, trying to ignore the questions swirling in my head.

Just enjoy this time with him. Maybe in a few weeks you can bring it up.

He passes my phone back to me, and our fingers brush. His are freezing cold, and I gasp.

“You’re like an ice cube!” I say, pushing to my feet. “Let’s go back to my place. It’s too cold for this. Can’t have you getting sick because of me.”
