Page 1 of A Little Bit Crazy

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Anson isbusy typing away on his phone, his brown hair hanging in his eyes.

He needs a haircut. When we were in the SEALs, he would never have his hair that long.

I run my fingers through my black hair and realize that I might need a trim too. I sigh, turning back to my best friend, but he’s still distracted. We’re supposed to be finishing up paperwork for a client, but I guess I’ll be taking care of that.

I turn to interrupt him, but when he grins, I turn away again. I’m sure he’s texting my sister, Lottie, and I don’t even want to guess what they might be discussing.

I’m actually glad that Anson and Lottie finally got together. I had been watching them dance around their feelings for each other since we were teenagers. I hated thinking that I was the reason why they weren’t together and happy.

It took me being hospitalized for Anson to finally have the conversation with me, but that was months ago, and things seem to be running smoothly ever since.

“Have you heard from Whit and Hunter lately?” Anson asks as I log out of my computer.

“Yeah, they got Anise back safely. They’re all still getting settled in Fallen Peak.”

“Think we’ll get invited to the wedding?” He asks as he grabs his jacket and stands.

“Maybe. Do you want to go? Lottie will be pretty pregnant by then,” I remind him.

“Yeah, she probably won’t be able to travel that far. We’ll send a gift.”

I nod, joining him as he heads for the door. We talked in the hospital about what to do after I was injured overseas. Anson and I were both Navy SEALs, but neither of us wanted to go back after I was hurt and we found out that Lottie was pregnant. So, instead, we opened our own security company.

There are always a ton of people and companies looking for security in Los Angeles, and business has been booming since we opened Knight Security a few months ago. We’ve actually been talking about hiring more people already, and I have a few candidates in mind.

I stretch out my shoulders as I walk and sigh when I see Anson giving me a worried look. My left shoulder and side have been a little stiff since the attack that brought me back stateside. Anson and Lottie have been hovering over me, treating me like I’m on my deathbed. Things improved when we all got our own separate places, but that hasn’t stopped Lottie from stopping by to check on me and Anson from asking how I’m doing every time I see him.

“I’m fine,” I say before he can say anything, and he grins.

“Sure, you are. You know, I was thinking,” he starts, and I groan.

“That can be dangerous,” I quip, and he rolls his eyes.

“I have great ideas.”

“Name one.”

“Oh, shut up. I was thinking that maybe I could set you up with someone, and we could try a double date,” he finishes, and I bite back another groan.

This is my second problem. Now that Lottie and Anson are all blissed out and in love, they want me to be too. They’ve been dropping hints about cool date places or pointing out pretty girls.

I suppose this shouldn’t really be categorized as a problem. My friend and sister are happy and in love and they just want that for me too. It should be a good thing.

Except that dating isn’t really my focus right now. I want our new company to be a success. I want to make sure I’m fully healed and okay mentally and physically before I try to settle down.

How do I explain that to them without making them worry even more than they already are about me?

“Who are you going to set me up with?” I ask as we stop next to his truck.

“I’m sure that I know some single women.”

“Yeah, we know all of the same women, and the only one who is single is Goldie.”

“Okay, so, Goldie.”
