Page 7 of Spring Fever

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Iputter around upstairs, setting up a hanging light in a couple of places in the rafters so that I can see what’s going on.

Without intending to, my mind drifts to the sexy little number downstairs. The woman who makes me want to grab her, drag her to my cave and drill her into the floor while marking her as mine.

She’s so delicate and fragile and it just makes the caveman in me wild when she sasses me.

I hear her talking on the phone downstairs, laughing and explaining the problems to her clients.

I think she’s a little ray of sunshine most times but I bring out something else in her and I like it.

I shake my head and get back to work. I want to get her place all fixed up for her and I groan when I see how little insulation this place has. It must be cold as hell in this building in the winter.

I start looking around and almost immediately I have a pretty good idea what’s going on. There’s a squirrel nest in the corner by one of the rafters and I find droppings. I sigh and groan. When I start tracking the wiring back, I find where it was being chewed in multiple places by squirrels.

“Well, shit.” I’m gonna be tracing wiring and making sure it’s all fixed so that there’s no chance that a bad spot causes a fire. My heart stops when I think what could have happened if this hadn’t been found.

A head pops up over the hole in the floor. “Hey, have you got anything?”

“Yeah.” My voice breaks and I swallow hard, trying to block out the images of what could have happened to her.

She clambers up the ladder and then boosts herself up with her arms. “Well, what is it?”

“Have you heard any noises up here?”

She snorts. “Do you have any idea how loud it is downstairs most of the time? I wouldn’t hear an elephant running through here.”

“Well, this is smaller than that. I see a squirrel nest up here and some droppings. Also some chewed wires that I’m sure are your lighting fixtures.”

She jumps up against me and screeches like she just saw a serial killer. “Seriously? I have squirrels.”

I laugh out loud and try to ignore that she’s pressed up against me. “You say that in the same tone that most people say snakes and mice.”

“Squirrels are rodents. Rodents are mice. Or mice are rodents. However you want to say it, squirrels are vermin!”

I notice the beady little eyes behind her and cringe. It’s about to get very loud in here.

“I hate to say this, princess, but the vermin in question is still here.”

Her face pales and her eyes get so big that the blue swallows half her face. “Oh my god! It’s behind me, isn’t it?” She whispers, her fingers digging into my arms.

I wince. “I’m afraid to tell you the answer to that.”

She whirls around and the squirrel races across the floor right behind her and in between my feet. She screams and leaps up into my arms. I jerk back and knock my head on the rafter behind me.

“Shit, woman! What the hell? It’s a little, fuzzy-tailed squirrel! It’s not a damn tiger!”

Her head whips back and forth over my shoulders and she jerks her body to and fro while she searches for the damn thing.

“Wh-where is it? I saw it! Where did it go?”

“Princess,” I grit my teeth and try to hang onto the slippery woman while she bounces around on me and my dick starts to think that he’s about to see some action, hardening in my jeans until I’m struggling not to move my damn zipper which is digging into my cock.

“Do you see it?” Her legs straddle my waist and I have to take a deep breath and try to get myself under control.

“Daddodil!” She jerks in my arms and then seems to realize that she’s clinging to my body like a damned monkey. She flushes and her blue eyes close.
