Page 74 of Paid In Full

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Tex rolled his eyes. “He’s crazy, but come on, keep going. Maybe we can help you.”

I doubted either of them could. Ash wasn’t like Tex. He didn’t sit on my knee, smother me in kisses, or tell me how much he loved me. He was a startled little puppy that had to put up with me, someone who had no idea how to be anything other than what he was. I picked at a frayed spot on the couch.

“Stop,” Enzo growled. “Pen scratches it up enough.”

“Okay, okay,” I muttered as I stared at the ceiling. “I was taking care of that guy who upset Ash. Keith.”

“Yeah?” Enzo said. “And?”

“Well, Keith was knocked out, and I picked up a call from Ash. He wanted breakfast. So simple, but it turned into a fucking mess. While I was listening to him, Keith woke up, started screaming for help, and well... you can guess what happened.”

“Ash freaked out?” Tex supplied. “Been there,” He whispered.

“Stop,” Enzo growled at his boyfriend. “Don’t pretend I’m anything like this psychopath.”

I raised a brow. “You are. We’re brothers.”

“Yes, but only one of us is an idiot.” When I pouted, Enzo pinched the bridge of his nose, looking like our brother, Benito. “What happened?”

I exhaled smoke and threw up my arms. “Ash went from looking like he wanted me to come home to him not wanting anything to do with me! He started sounding different, and then I heard him whispering to himself over the cameras that he should get away from me.” I shivered. “Fuck, I can’t stand that shit. I’ll kill him. I swear I will.”

Tex whistled. “Someone’s got it bad.”

“Got what bad?” I frowned. “I don’t got shit!”

“You like him.” Tex grinned. “No, I think it’s more than like. You care about what he thinks, you check in with him on the phone, and you’re here asking for advice when you could simply not care. You like, like him!” Tex said, pointing at me.

I threw a pillow at his face. “Fuck off. What is this, elementary school?”

“Well, you act like a child,” Enzo said. “Can’t blame him for it.”

“Oh, double fuck off. You two are so far up each other’s asses...”

“Only Enzo’s up my ass.” Tex grinned. “Every night.”

I blinked at them. Why the hell did I have to hear about my brother’s sex life? It made me sink into the cushions even more. If my brother knew I liked to take it up the ass, would he judge me for it? My teeth sank into my lip as Enzo chastised Tex for talking too much. When his eyes landed on me, my brother frowned.

“What’s wrong now?”

I didn’t have the right words to describe what the hell was wrong with me. Reaching over, I grabbed a cushion, pressed it against my belly, and wrapped my arms around it. Ash came to mind, and I groaned even deeper than before.He has to think I’m a real piece of shit.

“Here,” a soft voice spoke, drawing my eyes up. Tex’s mom, Kate, smiled down at me. She reminded me of my own mother before she passed. “A cup of peppermint and chamomile tea with honey. Drink this, and you’ll calm down.”

“Thanks, mom.” Tex smiled. “You don’t have to do this.”

She waved a hand. “Seeing you boys struggle makes me want to help you. All of you,” she said as her gaze fell on me. “Drink. You want something to eat?”

“Kate, don’t offer this demon food,” Enzo said.

“Whatever you have will be fine,” I said, sitting up. “Even better if it’s some kind of sandwich.”

She grinned. “Coming right up.”

Tex shook his head at me. “Don’t take advantage of my mom.”

I frowned. “At least you have one. Share!”

Tex sighed. “Okay, okay, just tell us what happened. All of it. From the beginning. Or I’m telling her not to make you a damn thing.”

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