Page 24 of Paid In Full

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“The hell we are,” Giancarlo cut in. He didn’t look my way. “Go to the car, Ash.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Gin,” Benito said.

I looked between the two of them before I turned around and headed toward the door. I tentatively glanced over my shoulder. The tense way they both stared at each other sent chills down my spine. I picked up the pace. The last place I wanted to be was in an office with two mobsters fighting it out.

I wanted to keep him.Hell, I didn’t know why. The kid was more like an annoying ass pet than anything else, but the thought of turning him away made my stomach hurt. As Ash scrambled out of the room after talking way too fucking much, I turned back to look at my brother.

“He’s a problem,” Benito said.

I pulled a face. “How do you figure?”

My brother leaned back in his chair, rocking casually as he intertwined his fingers. “The way you look at him, the way he hides behind you, and let’s not forget the way you just sent him away so he was out of my line of sight.” Benito’s eyes swept over me. “I don’t need you neglecting the jobs I lay out for you.”

I wanted to scoff. The sound sat on my tongue like a thick film, but I didn’t make it. Benito could be an ornery fucker, and I wasn’t looking to set him off. I shoved my hands into the pockets of my slacks, not turning away as he stared at me like I had a second head.

“You really know how to pull some shit out of your ass, don’t you?” I asked. “I never slack on my duties to you.”

Benito’s brows furrowed. “Try not lying.”

Alright, so maybe there had been a few incidents when I let my personal shit intervene with business, but I hadn’t done that in ages! When Benito gave me something to do, I did it. Not only because he was the family head but because he was my brother, and I gave a damn about him.

“If you’re going to bring up every past mistake, I’ve got a few I could remind you of as well,” I said, the words slipping free before I could stop myself. “So, let’s not be assholes and move on with our days.”

Benito pushed his chair back before he stood up. Even at his 6’2 height, he was shorter than my 6’5. Yet, that never seemed to matter to him. Throughout our lives, we’d sparred and fought. Each time Benito was somehow able to kick my ass. Normally, I let that lesson live with me, but not today.

“That boy needs to be in a place of his own,” Benito said as he rounded his desk.

“Why? I paid for him. Why can’t I decide what happens to him?”

“Do you really want me to say it?”

Irritation coiled in the pit of my stomach. “Say whatever the fuck you want.”

“You’re irresponsible,” Benito said calmly. “This is just a new way for you to distract yourself. Soon enough, you’ll get bored and toss him out, but not before you leave destruction in your wake.” He drew closer before he laid a hand on my chest. “I’m looking out for you.”

Heat consumed me as I stepped back, ripping his hand off my body. “Fuck that, and fuck you,” I spat. “I’m not some goddamn mental case you can just treat with kid gloves. You keep acting like—”

“I have never said or treated you like that.”

“Fuck that,” I growled. “Yes, you have. I’m telling you right now that Ash isn’t going anywhere. I purchased him with my own money. He’s agreed to the terms to pay me back. That’s it. Whatever you have to say has no weight in my personal life.”

My brother stepped away from me, and I saw the anger that consumed his features. As my chest tightened, I ignored it. Yes, he was my boss, and I should listen to him, but I would be damned if he dictated a part of my life that had nothing to do with him. For years I’d been his loyal right hand, doing what was asked of me even when it was difficult. I wasn’t about to let him treat me like I was some dumbass.

“He needs a place of his own,” Benito insisted. “We both know you’re going to get sick of him in a handful of days and by then, it’ll be too late. He’ll be attached and devastated, and you’ll be acting out. Why don’t we cut this early instead of pretending we both don’t know the inevitable?”

My stomach clenched. I took a step toward Benito, my fist tightening with every step. His eyes flickered down to my hand and then returned to my gaze.

“I wouldn't recommend it,” he said evenly. “We both know what happens when you try to fight me. It’s not pretty.”

Every word he spoke weighed down on me. I sank deeper and deeper as anger and frustration curled in my gut. Benito and I stared into each other’s eyes before I finally pushed my emotions away and lit a cigarette.

“He’s not going anywhere. If you have a problem with that, well, fuck you.” I inhaled the smoke letting it burn my lungs before I exhaled. “I don’t give a damn.”

Benito shook his head, wearing the look of a disapproving parent over a willful and ignorant child. The anger deepened, making every muscle in my body clench as I fought against putting a fist through his face. I turned on my heels.

“What are you going to do with him?” Benito called. “I’m serious. You can’t keep a human as a goddamn toy. That’s fucked up even for us.”

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