Page 23 of Paid In Full

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“He’s twenty-two. Don’t start your shit,” Giancarlo said.

The look that crossed Benito’s face sent icicles scraping down my spine. Before I knew it, I was behind Giancarlo, my heart firmly lodged in my throat.

Benito curled his fingers. “Come here.”

What did it say about me that I felt far safer behind Giancarlo, a man I didn’t know, than going toward the monster that sat behind the desk? Each step felt like I was getting closer and closer to my downfall. My lungs burned, and everything started to twist and turn.

A heavy hand landed on my shoulder, and I nearly jumped out of my skin. “Breathe, Ash.”

I sucked in a desperate breath and blinked a few times. Did he just say my name? I peeked at Giancarlo, but he was too busy staring at his brother. My stomach knotted for a different reason.

A part of me wanted him to be looking at me, but I knew better; no one looked at me. He just didn’t want to deal with me if I passed out.

“Step back, Gin,” Benito said.

Giancarlo didn’t budge. His hand was like an anchor, and I desperately clung to it in the waves of panic that threatened to tip me over. Benito’s eyes lowered. If I was scared before, I was damn near ready to melt into the floor and disappear now. Giancarlo squeezed my shoulder, and for some reason, I remembered to breathe.

I sucked in another breath and exhaled slowly.It’s okay. It never was, but if I told myself enough times, I’d start to believe it. Mind over matter was the best way to live life, especially one like mine.

Benito sighed, and his gaze fell back on me. “He touch you?” he asked.

“What kind of fucking question is that? Do I look like a fucking Chester to you?” Giancarlo growled.

Unable to contain it, a bubble of laughter broke free. I hurriedly smacked my hand over my mouth. “Sorry.” I stared down at my feet.Why in the hell did I laugh?

To be fair Giancarlo as a Chester was hilarious.

“Well?” Benito asked.

I lifted my head and met his steely gaze. It was too much to stare him in the eyes, but I felt if I didn’t, he wouldn’t take anything I said seriously. “Yes.”

Benito groaned. “Against your will?”

“Again, not a Chester!” Giancarlo grumbled.

“No, I liked it… I mean, it was my suggestion.” I grabbed the back of my neck as my face heated with every word that spilled free. “I don’t have a lot going for me, and at the auction house, they made a big deal that I was a virgin. I thought it would mean something to Giancarlo if I sold it to him, but he said it didn’t. Which is okay because he’s super-hot, and I’m sure he’s had a lot of people in his bed. And—”

“That’s enough. The last fucking thing I need to hear is how my brother fucked you.”

“Oh, but I was the on—”

The look Benito gave me had me shutting my mouth so fast I bit my tongue. Pain pinpricked along my tongue and made my eyes water. The metallic taste of blood filled my mouth, and I wanted to spit it out. It was like I had a mouth full of pennies.

Benito pinched the bridge of his nose and leaned back in his chair. “You’re a liability.”

My shoulders dropped. It was no different than my father telling me I was never wanted. Benito was saying the same thing. I wasn’t needed, let alone wanted. Most people in my position would be over the moon about a gangster not needing them, but it was another stab to the chest for me.

“You say that about everyone,” Giancarlo said.

Benito glared at him, and the air grew tense between them. “He’s a distraction, and you’re—”

“I’m what?”

Goosebumps broke out over my arms as I looked between the two of them.How should I fix this?Giancarlo looked as if he was seconds away from losing it, and Benito didn’t look any better.

Benito glanced my way, and my back stiffened even further. The damn thing would snap with how much tension I was placing on it.

“We will set you up—”

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