Page 142 of Paid In Full

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“Gag him,” Benito said. I moved to do just that. When I looked up, he was rotating Silvy. “You know, this is actually pretty good. I can see why you like her so much.”

I beamed with pride. “Isn’t she amazing?”

He nodded, swinging her up in an arc. “Good weight, great follow through. It’s like this thing is perfectly balanced.”

I held up a finger. “She is perfectly balanced. Not ‘this thing,’ though, okay? Respect her pronouns.”

Benito blinked at me before a grin spread over his face. As soon as it appeared, he tried to push it down, but it was too late. I’d already seen it. My brother hadn’t laughed in so long. A smile was even pushing it. It felt damn good to be the reason he did it. No one should be so fucking tormented and uptight.

Maybe that was all my honeymoon bliss talking because of the new relationship. I’d been a miserable bastard for a long time, shoving it behind a mask of levity and whores. Now? I was actually happy for the first time in ages. I had Ash to thank for that.

I lit up a smoke and watched my brothers as they took turns with Roger. Smoke curled in the air as I relaxed. I wanted to be the one to swing the death blow, but I’d promised Ash I wouldn’t do it, and I kept my fucking word. Roger’s face drained, that white, ashen look of his telling me he was close to the end.

“Enough, Enzo,” I said. “Do it, Benito.”

My brother walked up to Roger’s head. The man’s eyelids fluttered, but he couldn’t even keep his eyes open anymore. Benito cracked the hammer against the side of his head. The first few cracks broke the skull, but every one thereafter threw up a spray of blood and brain matter that stained his perfect clothing. I grinned.Love when he plays along and gets dirty.Benito liked to act like he was the calm, sane one out of us, but the truth was that his temper was the worst. His impulses were well tamed, but only for so long. He needed this release as much as Enzo needed to slice, and I needed to fight.

I put my smoke out on the bottom of my shoe, slipping the butt into the pocket of my jacket as I walked over. Gone. Roger was a fucked up mass of bruised, swollen flesh and blood. He wasn’t going to be a problem for my Ash any longer.The man deserves a break, no more trauma.

“Let’s wrap him, load him, and we can cut him up at the other place,” I muttered.

Benito squeezed my shoulder. “You’re growing up, Gin. I’m proud of you.”

“Only took me thirty-five years," I laughed.

“I didn’t think you’d live this long,” he pointed out, a laugh falling from his lips at my shocked expression. “Let’s get going.”

“What does that mean? Hey, Benito!”

Enzo shook his head. “I have to agree with Benito. Thought you’d be dead by now.”

I scoffed. “You fuckers have no faith in me!”

"Not even a little,” Enzo countered. “Lift that corner. You’re gonna let the blood drip out if you’re not careful.”

I rolled my eyes. Of course, that was what worried him. I was surrounded by insanity.

* * *


Ash bounced off the couch the minute I was through the door. He threw himself at me, wrapping his arms around my neck as I picked him up, and his legs wound around my waist. I turned, slamming him against the wall before my lips met his in a desperate kiss. He moaned, tongue sliding into my mouth to meet mine as my fingers gripped his shirt, lifting it. I needed to feel his skin with nothing in between us. My nails scraped down his side. Ash moaned, rolling his hips forward like he couldn’t get enough of me.

“God,” Tex groaned. “There are other people still here.”

“We can’t even get in the door. Good,” Enzo growled.

I ignored them, kissing Ash a little longer before I pulled away. When I put him down, his cheeks were flushed a delicious shade of pink. He grinned, keeping his eyes off of anyone else but me. I loved that he got so embarrassed over the smallest things. It was fucking cute. I pushed my fingers through his hair.

“You okay?” I asked.

He nodded. “Better now that you’re here. Tex and I played with Penelope. He’s way more fun than I thought.”

“Don’t talk shit about my cat,” Tex said defensively, cradling him in his massive arms. “Hey, if you two aren’t going to grab that money, I’ll take it off your hands.”

Ash and I exchanged a look. “That would be helpful, actually,” I said, already feeling the weight of the issue lift from my shoulders.

“No.” Enzo moved over to his boyfriend, picking up the cat carrier. “Why do you need money from another man? You have your job working as a bartender, and I take care of you, do I not?”

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