Page 23 of Petals of Innocence

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She had been in the care of her prince for only two full days, or nights as they say here, and already felt like she had lived a hundred years. She knew without a doubt there was no way she could ever return to her home in the Human Realm. She was still uncertain about how long Ciaran would keep her around, although she was certain she could never walk away from him. Every time Ciaran was near, she felt intoxicated and began to lose all sense of herself one touch at a time.

She was baffled by her feelings for him, both in how strong they were and how they seemed to come on instantly. She may have been inexperienced, but she was not a girl known for falling for any bit of affection. She had rejected Seamus, after all, and he had been unrelenting for years. Yet here she was fawning all over a winged blue giant who, by his own accord, was wicked and cruel.

In just two nights time she had fallen for Ciaran, and it made absolutely no sense. At least, based on what he told her at the falls, he appeared to be experiencing the same. She could explain it no other way; her soul called to his, and his called to hers. Their souls had decided at first sight, while Ciaran and Etain struggled to accept what their souls demanded.

She wished she could talk about this with her mother. She was sure she would have one sentence to explain everything. “Fate gets what fate wants,” was a favorite of hers. It immediately calmed her when Anin said it at the table.

She truly did miss her mother, now more than ever. She always knew what to say or when to say nothing at all. She did not want to influence Etain’s decisions, though sometimes her mother had wisdom worth imparting. As she would say, “There’s no sense in us both going down the wrong path when neither one of us had any business being on it in the first place.”

Etain wondered what her mother would have to say about her current predicament. She had the feeling her mother knew she would end up in the Fae Realm at some point, but Etain had to wonder if she knew more than she was letting on. She wished she had her satchel as well; it held her family’s grimoire within it. She could hunt through it looking for old prophecies and information about this realm and the role her ancestors played in it. It made her sad to think of it lost forever in the woods of the Human Realm. It was irreplaceable, and she had lost it. She knew for sure her mother would have something to say about that.

She remembered then that Ciaran said he would be back; she decided a good soak was in order and the obsidian tub was calling her name. She poured in lavender bath oil and threw some dried flower petals in for good measure. She then slid into the nearly unbearable heat. It hurt so good. She had not realized how cold she was and how tense her muscles had been. She let her mind drift and not focus on anything in particular, giving herself a much needed break from reality. The only thing that could make this any better was if she had a good book to get lost in. Maybe she could find one in Ciaran’s massive book collection.

Etain startled; she had started to drift off to sleep. Taking that and the cooling water as a sign it was time to get out, she dried herself off, combed her hair, and brushed her teeth. When she entered the bedchambers there was a long black, slightly sheer, night dress. Slipping it on, she pulled back the covers and crawled in. She tried to wait up for Ciaran, anticipating his return for more than one reason, but sleep pulled her under within a few minutes.

Hours later, she felt herself seeking the warmth in the sheets. She felt something drape over her, the weight comforting, before sleep pulled her back under.

Ciaran couldn’t have left his bedchambers faster. Etain had made it nearly impossible to pull away from her. Instinctually, Ciaran knew he needed to earn his little witch’s trust before he claimed her body. Hewouldclaim her; they both knew it. This thing between them was out of their control, intent on making sure they were entwined with each other in all ways possible. It would have been easy to take her, but he knew she would have regretted moving forward while she still had questions. Ciaran growled low as he paced his study.

What would she think of him after a night with his court? He had never cared what anyone thought of him before. He knew these feelings were either the mate bond or the prophecy from the Many Faced Goddess, which practically cursed him a second time. It did say a human would be the key to coming into his full power. Subjectively, he knew only one would make him care what his little witch thought of him; he was just not ready to admit that yet.

He moved at his lightning speed to get to his desk. He had never paid attention to the way he moved until Etain kept mentioning it. Reaching into his desk, he pulled out the spelled parchment and summoned Kes and Anin. They needed to finish negotiating the blood oath contract. Ciaran had a few new ideas to add to Anin’s part of the deal.

My study, now. Bring the nymph.

Ciaran had to wait a few minutes longer than he liked before they appeared.

It looked like Kes had let his nymph clean up. Anin’s hair was back to being perfectly placed, and she looked a bit more rested. It looked as though his cousin was taking better care of her. If the way he tensed when she was discussed during the council meeting was any indicator, he would be willing to bet his cousin was in a similar situation to himself. Ciaran smirked at Kes to show he knew exactly what was going on. Kes rubbed his hand through the feathers on his head, ruffling them slightly and shrugged.

Ciaran did find it odd that on the same night both he and Kes found a female of “interest.” He was not one to believe in coincidences, and he assumed this was more meddling on behalf of the Many Faced Goddess. He needed to figure out how to break the curse and confirm Etain was the human she foretold. He was also growing more concerned over how out of balance the realm was becoming due to the Day Courts meddling. That would need to wait until after he was able to form a plan to ensure Etain’s safety around his court.

Ciaran indicated for everyone to have a seat. “In two nights time Etain and Anin will be subjected to the court during the Lunar Ball. Typically, I would be excited to see what wicked things the court came up with to harass a human and a Day fae. However, I find myself…caring…for Etain’s well-being. And you, Kes, will be under the obligation of a blood oath. Though I do wonder if the blood oath is even necessary.”

Kes glared at him, which only made Ciaran laugh.

Anin opened her mouth no doubt to argue the necessity of the blood oath, when Ciaran held up his hand. “Fear not, nymph. I fully intend for Kes to follow through on the blood oath. It’s why I summoned you both.” Ciaran nearly laughed out loud when his cousin and the nymph wore the same expression, disgruntled at the idea of being summoned. He was willing to bet their war of wills would be highly entertaining to observe.

“I have thought about my requirements and demands for you,” he said to Anin, “in exchange for Kes taking the blood oath and providing you with your list of demands.”

The two looked at each other.

Anin smirked at Kes. “Did you hear that, you overinflated pile of feathers? You have to fulfill my demands.”

Kes got out of his seat and went to stand behind Anin so he could lean over the chair, boxing her in with his arms before he dipped his mouth and whispered something in her ear.

Ciaran couldn’t hear him, even with his fae hearing, but whatever he said had Anin’s face turning a bright green.

Kes stood and walked back to his chair to sit down. The two stared at each other for a few moments. Anin was doing everything she could to look at Kes like she hated everything about him. She failed miserably. Highly entertaining indeed.

“As I was saying…you will also tell me everything you know of what the king and queen have been doing to make their power grow. I will require you to identify any known spies and point out any you see in the Night Court.”

Anin nodded her head slightly, seeming to have expected this. She likely thought that would be the end of his demands.

Ciaran knew he was taking advantage of the nymph by asking for more, but he truly didn’t care. “On top of that…”

Anin took a deep breath and sat up straight in her chair, clenching her jaw tight.

Kes gave him a sharp look that told him, “Watch it.”
