Page 22 of Petals of Innocence

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She glared at him, then gave him a saccharine smile, as Kes felt the vines around his body begin to tighten.

“Now that you have me at your mercy, my darling nymph, what do you plan to do with me?” He gave her his best wickedly sensual smile and watched as her chest began to rise and fall faster.

She huffed out of bed and marched up to where he hung against the wall. She cocked her head to the side. He had begun to notice she did this every time her smart mouth came out to play.

“What to do with a strung up bird?” She let her gaze inspect every inch of him. “Well, my darling rooster,” she said, running her fingers in patterns along his chest.

He had no idea a soft caress could incite such a reaction from his body. If he wasn’t careful, there would be no hiding exactly how her touch affected him. Her fingers dipped lower and lower until she skimmed the top of his trousers.

“Unfortunately, I am in no need of any kind of dusting. I am, however,” she said as she continued to swirl her hands everywhere but where he desperately wanted, “in need…,” she gazed into his red eyes with her black ones, “of taking the trash out.”

She had a vine start slithering towards the door as the vines which held him began to move him towards it. He let her think she was in control for a few moments longer before he broke free of her vines with little effort.

Kes was entirely too satisfied to watch her face light up with shock. She began to quickly back away from him, there was nowhere she could hide.

“The fact you are able to get your vines to grow in the Night Court at all is impressive, darling nymph.”

For every step he took towards her, she took one back until her back pressed into the wall behind her. He closed the distance between them and caged her in with his arms against the wall. He brought his mouth right up next to her ear. “ I think you may have forgotten who you are dealing with, silly nymph.”

He inhaled her scent of pine and flowers before he dragged a hand up her arm as slowly as she had done to his chest. This close he could hear her breathing turn into something more like panting. He dragged his hand up to her neck and grasped it. She let out a startled gasp. He didn’t apply much pressure at all, but he liked the way he could feel her pulse throbbing faster and faster. Apparently she liked his hand around her throat.

He used his thumb to push her head up so their eyes could meet for several moments. He pulled his other hand off the wall and tucked a lank of her golden hair behind her ear. He liked her hair down like this. It was a wild mess of golden waves he was itching to run his hands through. He shoved his hand that was still hovering around her ear towards the back of her head and gripped her hair, yanking it so her neck was stretched up to look at him. He bent down and his other hand began to wrap around her waist. He pulled her body up along his to wrap his arm fully around her. He let his mouth hover over hers and he could feel her back arch to press her body more firmly into his. He brought his mouth even closer before diverting it back towards her ear.

“Next time, I will have no choice but to remind you of exactly who you are dealing with. I’ll start by bending you over my lap and getting a good look at what’s always hiding under those wings. Then I will enjoy seeing what lovely shades of green your ass turns after my hand connects with it.”

She scowled up at him as if she were offended, yet he felt the tremor that wracked her body as he spoke. “You wouldn’t dare! The blood oath will prevent you from hurting me.” Her voice was raspy while she tried to look unaffected.

“Who said anything about hurting you? You’ll beg me for it, my darling nymph – I have no doubts.” His red eyes never left her black ones as he said this. He was rewarded with her face flushing a beautiful moss green and her mouth opening and closing several times while she tried to come up with something to say.

Before she could speak, he released her to the ground and took a step back. “Now, now Anin – I did come here with pure intentions. The council has decided the court should get the chance to meet you and Etain at the Lunar Ball in two nights time. I am sure you can imagine the wickedness the members of the court will bless you with. I will do my best to keep you from most of it, but if I don’t allow them some fun, they will become petulant. That would mean I would have to shed blood, and then there would be entirely too much intrigue around you for my liking.”

The way the flush drained from her skin leaving her a sickly faint yellowish color made his chest tighten. She began to walk back towards her bed, all of the heat had drained from her.

He reached out and snatched her hand pulling her back towards him. This time he was gentle with her. He cupped his hands around her face gently bringing her eyes back up to meet his. She looked more tired than she had when he had woken her.

“Do not fret, my darling nymph. If anyone dares touch you, I will remind them why they all fear me. In the most painful way possible. I am the only one to touch you,” he declared as he dropped his hands back to his sides.

They stood there staring at each other; he let her see he meant every word he said. She gave him a slight nod, then began walking back to her bed as he exited the room.

“Sleep well, Anin,” he said before shutting the door.

He stood just outside her door for a few moments as he came to terms with how incredibly fucked he was.


CiaranteleportedEtainbackto his bedchambers, and they landed on his bed with her under him.

Breaking the kiss, he pressed his forehead to hers. “Little witch – if we keep going on like this, I am not sure I will be able to stop.” He sighed out his body’s frustrations.

Etain was not ready for that just yet, and he seemed to understand.

Standing up he offered Etain a hand. “It’s getting late, little witch. Go ahead and get ready for bed. I’ll have bedclothes waiting for you again. I have a few things to take care of, but I’ll return as soon as I can. We have two nights to prepare for your introduction to the Night Court. Sleep well, Etain – we have an early start tomorrow, just after first night. You have a lot to learn in an incredibly short period of time…” He ran a hand through his shifting hair as if he were nervous.

He looked at her for a moment seeming uncertain of something. He jerked his body forward, and kissed her on the forehead. It was the most ungraceful movement Etain had ever seen him make. Well, really the only one. Before she could comment on the clumsy action, he was gone.

That was certainly an exit. She had never seen him look uncertain before. It was as if the conversation they had at the falls changed something for him.

Etain felt entirely overwhelmed. She felt as if her life were hurtling faster than a shooting star, and she was struggling to keep up. She sank to the floor, her knees no longer able to hold her up, and she felt the bone-deep exhaustion of being constantly on edge. She let herself take a moment to mourn the loss of her life in her two-room home. She had been lonely and worried for the future, though at least she was comfortable with the repetition of each day. She woke up everyday and knew what to expect.
